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Name Last update Score Registered Description
fast 0.3.5, 5 years ago 2.12013-Jul-01A library that aims to provide the fastest possible implementation of some every day routines.
ircbod 0.1.3, 11 years ago 1.02013-May-16IRC Bot library for the D programming language.
d-leveldb 1.16.0, 10 years ago 0.32013-May-13A Leveldb implementation for D.
leveldb 1.16.0, 10 years ago 0.72013-May-09Leveldb D Deimos Bindings.
snappy ~master, 11 years ago 0.12013-May-08Snappy ''A fast compressor/decompressor'' Deimos Bindings
libevent 2.0.2+2.0.16, 8 years ago 3.12013-Apr-27Deimos bindings for libevent, a cross-platform asynchronous I/O library
libev 5.0.0+4.04, 9 years ago 1.52013-Apr-27Deimos bindings for libev, a cross-platform asynchronous I/O library
openssl 3.3.3, 7 months ago 4.92013-Apr-27Deimos bindings for the OpenSSL cryptographic library
ncurses 1.0.0, a year ago 3.02013-Apr-24Interface to the C ncurses library
zeromq 6.1.2+zmq-4-3-2, 5 years ago 2.52013-Apr-24Interface to the C ZeroMQ library

Displaying results 2421 to 2430 of 2454 packages found.