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Name Last update Score Registered Description
dnet-skippy 1.0.3, 4 years ago 0.62020-Sep-28dnet client
puppeteer 0.8.0, 8 years ago 0.62016-Jun-20A library or cli app to easily communicate with programmable electronic boards such as Arduino imp…
derelict-nvrtc 1.0.2, 7 years ago 0.62017-Jul-27Dynamic bindings to NVRTC for the D programming language.
defile 0.0.5, 8 years ago 0.62013-Oct-10A convenience wrapper for the PHYSFS library.
level_format 1.1.0, 5 years ago 0.62019-Dec-28A file format for 2D levels
evael-lib 0.0.1, 5 years ago 0.62019-Oct-03Libraries collection for the evael game engine.
wheel 0.5.3, 5 years ago 0.62019-Oct-18A simple SDL-based engine
checkedint 0.7.0, 4 years ago 0.62016-Jan-24Checked integer math types and operations.
lnk 0.2.1, 8 years ago 0.62016-Mar-13Parsing Shell Link files (.lnk).
idiot 0.9.2, 6 years ago 0.62018-Jan-19Informative terminal output as you iterate over a callback
derelict_extras-purple ~master, 10 years ago 0.62013-Dec-20Dynamic bindings to (lib)purple for the D Programming Language.
matrix-client 0.1.0, 7 years ago 0.62017-Mar-11Library for clients
monetdb-d 0.0.1, 4 years ago 0.62020-Mar-19A MonetDb driver based on MAPI library C binding
brightproof 2.4.0, 8 years ago 0.62016-Feb-23Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 library
hubtel 0.1.3, 7 years ago 0.62017-Jul-22Hubtel mobile money payment API
vibe-noisestream 0.1.1, 7 years ago 0.62017-Mar-30A NoiseXX protocol implementation for vibe.D
i2d-cairo 1.0.0, a month ago 0.62024-Mar-17BetterC binding to the Cairo vector graphics library
openfile 0.1.2, 4 years ago 0.62020-Sep-07Opening std.stdio.File using a set of symbolic constants as a file access mode
enigma 0.3.2, 3 years ago 0.62016-Feb-29A library for simulating the Enigma machines.
kbfi 0.0.1, 7 years ago 0.62017-Jan-11brainf*ck interpreter

Displaying results 1541 to 1560 of 2454 packages found.