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Name Last update Score Registered Description
libdominator 1.1.7, 5 years ago 2.22016-Jun-29A HTML Parser Library
secured 3.0.0, a month ago 2.22016-Nov-13A cryptography library for D that encourages secure implementations through simple interfaces.
archive 0.7.1, a year ago 2.22014-Jul-29An archive library that supports zip, tar, and targz written entirely in D (with underlying gz imp…
fearless 0.0.4, 4 days ago 2.22018-Sep-18Safe concurrency for D
dqml 0.6.1, 7 years ago 2.22015-Sep-15Qml bindings for both D and Nim programming languages.
derelict-glfw3 4.0.0-beta.1, 7 years ago 2.22013-Aug-18A dynamic and static binding to the GLFW 3 library.
dls 0.26.2, 4 years ago 2.22018-Mar-21D Language Server
docopt 0.6.1-b.6, 7 years ago 2.22014-Jun-15docopt implementation in D
gtk_d 1.0.3, 2 years ago 2.12021-Aug-29A full Gtk binding for D.
tg-d 0.0.2, 6 years ago 2.12018-Aug-17Telegram Bot API client library for the D programming language
dlang-tour 1.3.0, 9 months ago 2.12016-Jun-13The Dlang Tour
arturo 0.3.9, 5 years ago 2.12019-Sep-27Simple, modern and powerful interpreted programming language for super-fast scripting
bindbc-nuklear 0.5.1, a year ago 2.12019-Jan-28Dynamic and static bindings to nuklear, compatible with -betterC, @nogc, and nothrow.
dscord 1.0.0-beta.1, 5 years ago 2.12016-May-17discord client library
dparsergen 0.1.2, 19 days ago 2.12023-May-07Parser generator for the D programming language
dfix 0.3.5, 6 years ago 2.12014-Nov-21Tool for automatically upgrading D source code
jin-go 2.0.1, 4 years ago 2.12016-Mar-27Thread-pooled coroutines with lock-free staticaly typed communication channels
fast 0.3.5, 5 years ago 2.12013-Jul-01A library that aims to provide the fastest possible implementation of some every day routines.
async 0.2.11, 2 years ago 2.12018-May-06A cross-platform event loop library of asynchroneous network sockets.
vibegraylog 1.0.4, 3 years ago 2.12021-Dec-16A vibe.d logger that logs via gelf packages via udp to graylog

Displaying results 281 to 300 of 2454 packages found.