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Name Last update Score Registered Description
dgamevfs 0.2.0, 10 years ago 0.62014-Aug-07Minimalist virtual file system for game development
colorize 1.0.5, 10 years ago 2.92014-Jul-10A port of Ruby's colorize library to D.
bed 0.0.5, 10 years ago 0.02014-Jul-30Small BDD testing framework for D.
freeimage 1.0.1+3.16.0, 10 years ago 0.72014-Jun-23Binding for the FreeImage graphics library.
meld 0.0.1, 10 years ago 0.42014-Aug-04A tiny game engine built on top of OpenGL and Derelict
aws-d-metadata 0.0.1, 10 years ago 0.62014-Jul-28Library to fetch meta data of an ec2 instance from within a vide.d application.
miao-string 0.0.4, 10 years ago 0.82014-Jul-25String matching lib
medea 0.0.1, 10 years ago 0.82014-Jul-18Modern JSON
miniupnpc-d 0.0.2, 10 years ago 0.72014-May-07D bindings to the MiniUPnPc
orderedmap 0.0.2, 10 years ago 0.92014-Jul-11A simple ordered map implementation.

Displaying results 2341 to 2350 of 2454 packages found.