temple 0.6.0

Embedded D, Compile Time Template Engine (Vibe.d Compatible)

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Surprisingly Flexable, Compile Time, Zero Overhead, Embedded Template Engine for D


Temple is a templating engine written in D, allowing D code to be embedded and executed in text files. The engine converts text to code at compile time, so there is zero overhead interpreting templates at runtime, allowing for very fast template rendering.

Temple supports passing any number of variables to templates, as well as rendering nested templates within each other, capturing blocks of template code, and optional fine-grain filtering of generated text (e.g for escaping generated strings).

Vibe.d compatible! OutputStream is implemented by vibe.d's connections, so just pass your TCPConnection or HTTPServerResponse where the following examples pass an AppenderOutputStream. Temple's OutputStream will automatically subclass the appropriate class if vibe.d is present.

Temple works with DMD 2.064 and later, and LDC on the ~merge-2.064 branch at commit a24b8b69 (~December 29th) or later.

Table of Contents


Include temple in your package.json, or all of the files in src/temple in your build process.

The main API exposed by Temple consists of a few templates, and a struct:

  • template Temple(string template_string, Filter = void)
  • template TempleFile(string file_name, Filter = void)
  • template TempleLayout(string layout_string, Filter = void)
  • template TempleLayoutFile(string layout_file, Filter = void)
  • struct TempleContext (Jump to Template Contexts)
  • interface OutputStream (Or OutputStream from Vibe.d if present)

Note that each template takes an optional Filter (Jump to Filters)

The functions generated by the Temple family of templates take an OutputStream and an optional TempleContext. TempleLayout(File)s take an OutputStream, a Temple(File) function pointer (the partial rendered in the layout), and an optional TempleContext.

Template Syntax

The template syntax is based off of that of eRuby (but can be changed by modifying temple/delims.d). D statements go between <% %> delimers. If you wish to capture the result of a D expression, place it between <%= %> delimers, and it will be converted to a string using std.conv's to.

Shorthand delimers are also supported: A line beginning with % is considered a statement and executed; a line beginning with %= is evaluated and the result is written to the output stream.

Note that expressions within <%= %> and %= should not end with a semicolon, while statements within <% %> and % should.

####Quick Reference:

<% "foo"; %><no output>
<%= "foo" %>foo
%= "foo" ~ " " ~ "bar"foo bar
% "foo";<no output>
% foreach(i; 0..3) {
	Index: <%= i %>
% }
Index: 0
Index: 1
Index: 2
Foreach, alt
% import std.conv;
<% foreach(i; 0..3) { %>
	%= "Index: " ~ to!string(i)
<% } %>
Index: 0
Index: 1
Index: 2
If/else if/else statements
% auto a = "bar";
% if(a == "foo") {
% } else if(a == "bar") {
% } else {
% }


The TempleContext type is used to pass variables to templates. The struct responds to opDispatch, and returns variables in the Variant type. Use Variant#get to convert the variable to its intended type. TemplateContext#var(string) is used to retrieve variables in the context, and can be called direty with var in the template:

auto context = new TempleContext();
context.name = "dymk";
context.should_bort = true;

Passed to:

<% /* Variant can be converted to a string automatically */ %>
Hello, <%= var("name") %>

<% /* Conversion of a Variant to a bool */ %>
% if(var("should_bort").get!bool) {
	Yep, gonna bort
% } else {
	Nope, not gonna bort
% }

<% /* Variants are returned by reference, and can be (re)assigned */ %>
<% var("written_in") = "D" %>
Temple is written in: <%= var("written_in") %>

Results in:

Hello, dymk
Yep, gonna bort
Temple is written in: D

Variables can also be accessed directly via the dot operator, much like setting them.

auto context = new TempleContext();
context.foo = "Foo!";
context.bar = 10;
<%= var.foo %>
<%= var.bar %>

<% var.baz = true; %>
<%= var.baz %>



For more information, see the Variant documentation on the dlang website

The Temple Template

Template!"template string" evaluates to a function that takes an OutputStream, and an optional TemplateContext. The easiest way to render the template into a string is to pass it to the templeToString function, which sets up a temporary AppenderOutputStream, renders the template into that, and returns the result:


void main()
	alias render = Temple!"foo, bar, baz";
	writeln(templeToString(&render)); // Prints "foo, bar, baz"

Here's an example passing a TempleContext, and manually setting up an AppenderOuputStream:

void main()
	const templ_str = q{
		Hello, <%= var("name") %>
	alias render = Temple!templ_str;
	auto accum = new AppenderOutputStream;

	auto context = new TempleContext();
	context.name = "dymk";

	render(accum, context);
	writeln(accum.data); // Prints "Hello, dymk"

The TempleFile Template

template TempleFile(string file_name) is the same as Temple, but takes a file name to read as a template instead of the template string directly. Temple template files end with the extension .emd, for "embedded d".


It's <%= var("hour") %> o'clock.



void main() {
	alias render = TempleFile!"template.emd";

	auto context = new TempleContext();
	context.hour = 5;

	auto accum = new AppenderOutputStream;

It's 5 o'clock

Nested Templates

TemplateContext#render is used for rendering nested templates. By default, the current context is passed to the nested template, but a different context can be passed explicitly by calling TemplateContext#renderWith(TemplateContext) instead.


		<p>Hello, from the 'a' template!</p>
		<%= render!"b.emd"() %>


<p>And this is the 'b' template!</p>

Rendering a.emd would result in:

		<p>Hello, from the 'a' template!</p>
		<p>And this is the 'b' template!</p>

Yielding, Layouts, and Partials

A TemplateContext's partial field can be assigned to a Temple function. If yield is called inside of a template, then the TemplateContext's partial will be rendered and inserted in place of the yield call. If no partial is present in the context, then an empty string will be inserted instead.

void main()
	alias render = Temple!"before <%= yield %> after";
	alias inner  = Temple!"between";
	auto accum = new AppenderOutputStream();
	auto context = new TempleContext();

	context.partial = &inner;

	render(accum, context);
before between after

TempleLayout provides a shortcut to setting up a TempleContext with a partial An optional context can be passed to layout, which will also be passed to any nested partials.

void main()
	alias layout = TempleLayout!`before <%= yield %> after`;
	alias partial = Temple!`between`;
	auto accum = new AppenderOutputStream();

	layout(accum, &partial);
before between after

And, for completeness, TempleLayoutFile exists for loading a template directly from a file.

Capture Blocks

Blocks of template can be captured into a variable, by wrapping the desired code inside of a delegate, and passing that to capture. Capture blocks can be nested. Example:

<% auto outer = capture(() { %>
	Outer, first
	<% auto inner = capture(() { %>
		Inner, first
	<% }); %>
	Outer, second

	<%= inner %>
<% }); %>

<%= outer %>
Outer, first
Outer, second
	Inner, first

Capture blocks can also be rendered directly (although there isn't a direct reason to do so, this is useful for implementing helpers; see the Helpers section of the README):

<%= capture(() { %>
	directly printed

	<% auto a = capture(() { %>
		a, captured
	<% }); %>
	<% auto b = capture(() { %>
		b, captured
	<% }); %>

	<%= a %>
	<%= capture(() { %>
		directly printed from a nested capture
	<% }); %>
	<%= b %>

<% }); %>
directly printed
	a, captured
	directly printed from a nested capture
	b, captured

Planned for capture blocks: Named capture groups, a-la Rails' content_for helper. Note: This can now be implemented in version v0.4.0.

Helpers (A-la Rails View Helpers)

Helpers can be implemented in templates by wrapping parts of the template in a function literal, and passing it to a user defined function that in turn calls capture.

Here's a partial implementation of Rails' form_for helper:

import std.string;
struct FormHelper
	string model_name;

	auto field_for(string field_name, string type="text")
		if(model_name != "")
			field_name = "%s[%s]".format(model_name, field_name);

		return `<input type="%s" name="%s" />`.format(type, field_name);

	auto submit(string value = "Submit")
		return `<input type="button" value="%s" />`.format(value);

auto form_for(
	string action,
	string name,
	void delegate(FormHelper) block)
	auto form_body = capture(block, FormHelper(name));
	return `
		<form action="%s" method="POST">
		</form>`.format(action, form_body);

<%= form_for("/shorten", "", (f) { %>
	Shorten a URL:
	<%= f.field_for("url") %>
	<%= f.submit("Shorten URL") %>
<% }); %>

<%= form_for("/person", "person", (f) { %>
	Name: <%= f.field_for("name") %>
	Age: <%= f.field_for("age") %>
	DOB: <%= f.field_for("date_of_birth", "date") %>
	<%= f.submit %>
<% }); %>


<form action="/shorten" method="POST">
	Shorten a URL:
	<input type="text" name="url" />
	<input type="button" value="Shorten URL" />

<form action="/person" method="POST">
	Name: <input type="text" name="person[name]" />
	Age: <input type="text" name="person[age]" />
	DOB: <input type="date" name="person[date_of_birth]" />
	<input type="button" value="Submit" />


Filters are a way to filter and transform parts of the template, before it is written to the output buffer. A filter takes the form of a struct or class that defines the static method templeFilter, and overloads of that. The return value of templeFitler must be string, and it must take one parameter.

Example, wrapping evaluated text in quotes:

struct QuoteFilter
	static string templeFilter(string raw)
		return `"` ~ raw ~ `"`;

	static string templeFilter(T)(T raw)
		return templeFilter(to!string(raw));

alias render = Temple!(QuoteFilter, q{
	Won't be quoted
	<%= "Will be quoted" %>
	<%= 10 %>
Won't be quoted
"Will be quoted"

Filters can define any number of helpers, assuming they don't clash with the methods that TempleContext defines. Any members on a Filter will be be brought into the root scope of the template.

Example, implementing safe/unsafe strings for conditional escaping of input:

private struct SafeDemoFilter
	static private struct SafeString
		string value;

	static string templeFilter(SafeString ts)
		return ts.value;

	static string templeFilter(string str)
		return "!" ~ str ~ "!";

	static SafeString safe(string str)
		return SafeString(str);

alias render = Temple!(SafeDemoFilter, q{
	foo (filtered):   <%= "mark me" %>
	foo (unfiltered): <%= safe("don't mark me") %>

foo (filtered):   !mark me!
foo (unfiltered): don't mark me

Filters are propogated to nested templates:


<%= safe("foo1") %>
<%= "foo2" %>
<%= render!"b.emd" %>


<%= safe("bar1") %>
<%= "bar2" %>

a.emd rendered with the SafeDemoFilter:



TempleFilter allows a filter to be applied to the family of Temple templates, grouping them under a single name.

Example usage:

struct MyFilter {
	static string templeFilter(string unfiltered) {
		return "!" ~ unfiltered ~ "!";

// All Temple templates under Filtered will have MyFilter applied to them
alias Filtered = TempleFilter!MyFilter;

alias partial = Filtered.Temple!`
	<%= "bar" %>

alias layout = Filtered.TempleLayout!`
	<%= yield %>

auto accum = new AppenderOutputStream();
layout(accum, &partial);

Which would render:


Vibe.d Integration

Temple will expose functions for integrating with Vibe.d if compiled together. The functions are:

  • void renderTemple(string temple)(HTTPServerRequest, Context = null)
  • void renderTempleFile(string filename)(HTTPServerRequest, Context = null)
  • void renderTempleLayoutFile(string layoutfile, string partialfile)(HTTPServerRequest, Context = null)
  • struct TempleHtmlFilter

where Context can be an HTTPServerResponse, or a TempleContext. If it is a HTTPServerResponse, then the contents of the params hash will be the context for the template.

Usage is similar to Vibe.d's render function:

void doRequest(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {

	// Client requested with query string `?name=foo`

		Hello, world!
		And hello, <%= var.name %>!


Would result in this HTTP response:

Hello, world!
And hello, foo!

Dynamic content is passed through Vibe's HTML filter before being renderd, unless it is marked as safe, by calling safe("your string").

void doRequest(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {

	// Client requested with query string `?name=foo`

				Here's a thing!
				<%= "<p>Escape me!</p>" %>
				<%= safe("<span>Don't escape me!</span>") %>
		Hello, world!
		And hello, <%= var.name %>!


Would result in the HTTP response:

		Here's a thing!
		&lt;p&gt;Escape me!&lt;/p&gt;
		<span>Don't escape me!</span>

Compile Time Compile Time Templates

Some templates can be further evaluated into static strings at compile time if they contain code that is, itself, CTFE compatible. This, unfortunaly, does not include templates that take a TemplateContext, due to std.variant.Variant being incompatible with CTFE. This restriction may be lifted in the future.

For now, templates such as this can be CTFE'd into static strings. templeToString is provided as a shortcut for allocating an AppenderOutputStream, rendering the template with it, and returning the appender's buffer:

	alias render = Temple!q{
		<% if(true) { %>
		<% } else { %>
			No bort!
		<% } %>

		<% auto a = capture(() { %>
			inside a capture block
		<% }); %>

		Before capture
		<%= a %>
		After capture

	const string result = templeToString(&render);

	// Note static assert; result was computed at compile time
	static assert(isSameRender(result, `
		Before capture
		inside a capture block
		After capture

Example: Simple Webpages

Here's a slightly more complex example, demonstrating how to use the library to render HTML templates inside of a common layout.

void main()
	alias layout = TempleLayoutFile!"layout.html.emd";
	alias partial = TempleFile!"_partial.html.emd";
	auto accum = new AppenderOutputStream();

	layout(accum, &partial);


		<title>dymk's awesome website</title>
		%= render!"common/_sidebar.html.emd"()
		%= yield
		%= render!"common/_footer.html.emd"()


	<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
	<li><a href="/about">About</a></li>
	<li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>


	2013 (C) dymk .: built with Temple :.


	TODO: Write a website


		<title>dymk's awesome website</title>
			<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
			<li><a href="/about">About</a></li>
			<li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>
			TODO: Write a website
			2013 (C) dymk .: built with Temple :.


The D compiler must be told which directories are okay to import text from. Use the -J<folder> compiler switch or stringImportPaths in Dub to include your template directory so Temple can access them.

For more examples, take a look atsrc/temple/temple.d's unittests; they provide very good coverage of the library's abilities.


Temple is distributed under the Boost Software License.

  • Dylan Knutson
0.7.5 2016-Mar-26
0.7.4 2015-Aug-26
0.7.3 2014-Dec-25
0.7.2 2014-Nov-27
0.7.1 2014-Nov-23
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