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Name Last update Score Registered Description
bitranged 0.0.1, a year ago 0.72023-Feb-18Minimal implementation of the data structure for manipulating individual bits
redobc 0.0.1, a year ago 0.72023-Feb-18redo: recursive build system in BetterC
openssl-static 1.0.5+3.0.8, 3 months ago 2.82023-Feb-18Provides pre-compiled, static OpenSSL binaries for various platforms
slf4d 3.0.1, 3 months ago 3.52023-Feb-15Simple Logging Facade For D
nudsfml 0.0.10-alpha, a year ago 0.32023-Feb-09A minimal D application.
openapi-to-d 0.8.0, 2 days ago 0.72023-Feb-07Convert OpenAPI documentation to Boilerplated D/DTO headers
virc 0.0.2, 4 months ago 0.12023-Feb-01IRC client library
enumcons 0.1.0, a year ago 0.52023-Feb-01Type-safe extensible enums without classes. @nogc nothrow pure @safe
yyd 0.3.0, 2 months ago 0.32023-Feb-01y.Yd - Template and mixin combinators for parsers and yy routing
oceandrift-validation 0.2.1, a year ago 0.32023-Jan-29Input validation library
spinners 1.0.0, a year ago 0.32023-Jan-27Binding for libspinners an elegant terminal spinners
bubel-ecs 0.1.1, a year ago 2.52023-Jan-18Dynamic Entity Component System
oclcv 0.0.4, 4 months ago 0.62023-Jan-12A collection of OpenCL kernels for image processing in Dlang
seed 1.4.0, 3 months ago 0.52023-Jan-11Command-line tool base library.
jstruct 1.0.5, a year ago 0.72023-Jan-09Struct JSON serializer/deserializer
speedy-int128 0.1.0, a year ago 0.32023-Jan-07An experiment to speed up the 128-bit integer type
builder 0.2.1, a year ago 2.72023-Jan-05A library permitting easy addition of a builder pattern to a class.
unbound-control 0.0.4, a year ago 0.52023-Jan-02Wrapper for the Unbound DNS unbound-control
betterc-interface 1.0.1, a year ago 0.82023-Jan-02Interfaces and Dynamic Casts for betterC classes.
stripe-client 2.0.0, a year ago 0.32023-Jan-01A client library generated from Stripe's OpenAPI specification.

Displaying results 221 to 240 of 2480 packages found.