This is a mirror of

Name Last update Score Registered Description
dmdtags 1.2.0, 8 months ago 0.72021-Aug-27A tag file generator for D source code
tg_d 0.0.8, 3 years ago 0.42021-Aug-24A library for creating Telegram bots
minijson 0.6.2, 3 years ago 0.02021-Aug-23Minify JSON files
di 1.0.4, 3 years ago 0.32021-Aug-22An i18n library for D
game-mixer 1.1.2, 10 months ago 1.22021-Aug-20Sound API for your game
trpc 0.1.3, 3 years ago 0.52021-Aug-20Light-weight Thread RPC library for D
compile_db 0.0.5, 4 months ago 0.52021-Aug-19parse compile_commands.json
dud 1.1.1, 3 years ago 1.72021-Aug-18Experimental tool for manipulating dub packages
d2asm 1.0.0, 3 years ago 0.02021-Aug-15A small library to generating ASM code.
lumars 1.13.0-alpha.1, 11 months ago 2.52021-Aug-14A high level, lightweight LUA library.
memgraph-d 0.0.6, a year ago 0.82021-Aug-13D bindings for the memgraph DB
bindbc-cimgui 1.84.1, 3 years ago 1.12021-Aug-12Minimal C Dear ImGUI+SDL test
basic-string 1.0.0-rc.2, 2 years ago 0.52021-Aug-06Mutable @nogc string struct using `std.experimental.allocator` for allocations.
re2d 0.1.0, 3 years ago 1.92021-Aug-05RE2 for D
dwren 0.2.3, a year ago 0.52021-Aug-03bindings to wren for dlang
midi-di 0.0.1, 3 years ago 0.62021-Aug-03Library for reading and writing MIDI data
sat-d 1.0.2, 3 years ago 0.02021-Aug-03A small SAT solver implementation
drm 0.0.2, 2 years ago 0.32021-Aug-02Collection of D libs
fileformat 0.4.2, 8 days ago 0.02021-Jul-29Tool for recognizing file formats
dynalib 0.9.2, 2 years ago 0.02021-Jul-26A stand-alone single module for importing dynamic libraries.

Displaying results 461 to 480 of 2480 packages found.