This is a mirror of

Name Last update Score Registered Description
derelict-allegro5 1.0.2, 8 years ago 0.42015-Feb-01A dynamic binding to the Allegro 5 libraries.
derelict-alure 2.0.0-beta.1, 7 years ago 0.82014-Feb-28A dynamic binding to the ALURE library.
derelict-as 0.0.1, 6 years ago 0.52018-Jul-06Unofficial Derelict binding for Angelscript
derelict-assimp3 2.0.0-beta.1, 7 years ago 1.62013-Oct-19A dynamic binding to version 3 of the Assimp library.
derelict-cef 0.1.0, 5 years ago 1.82015-Jan-21A dynamic binding to the Chromium Embedded Framework.
derelict-cf 0.0.1, 9 years ago 0.72015-Jun-29A dynamic binding to the OSX CoreFoundation library for the D Programming Language.
derelict-cl 3.2.0, 7 years ago 1.72014-Dec-08A dynamic binding to the OpenCL library.
derelict-cublas 0.0.1, 5 years ago 0.32019-Feb-22A dynamic binding to the CUBLAS API.
derelict-cuda 3.1.1, 7 years ago 1.92014-Oct-16A dynamic binding to the CUDA API.
derelict-cudnn 2.0.4, 6 years ago 1.02017-Aug-09Dynamic bindings to cuDNN for the D programming language.
derelict-cufft 0.0.6, 6 years ago 0.02018-Aug-27A dynamic binding to the cuFFT API
derelict-curand 0.0.1, 5 years ago 0.32019-Feb-22A dynamic binding to the CUBLAS API.
derelict-enet 4.2.0, 4 years ago 1.92014-Jun-28A dynamic binding to the ENet library.
derelict-extras-clblast 0.1.0, 6 months ago 0.32024-Jan-05A dynamic binding to the CLBlast (OpenCL BLAS Tuned) API.
derelict-fi 3.0.0-beta.1, 7 years ago 1.62013-Sep-29A dynamic binding to the FreeImage library.
derelict-fmod 4.1.1, 7 years ago 0.92015-May-03A dynamic binding to the FMOD library.
derelict-ft 2.0.0-beta.5, 5 years ago 4.02013-Aug-26A dynamic binding to the FreeType library.
derelict-gl3 2.0.0-beta.8, 5 years ago 2.92013-Aug-18A dynamic binding to the OpenGL library.
derelict-gles 0.0.1, 9 years ago 0.52015-Jul-19A dynamic binding to the OpenGL ES library.
derelict-glfw3 4.0.0-beta.1, 7 years ago 2.02013-Aug-18A dynamic and static binding to the GLFW 3 library.
derelict-hdfs 2.4.1, 8 years ago 0.52016-Sep-25Derelict binding for HDFS
derelict-il 2.0.0-beta.2, 7 years ago 0.92013-Dec-18A dynamic binding to the DevIL library.
derelict-imgui 0.10.0, 6 years ago 2.32015-Apr-08Dynamic bindings to the cimgui library (a c-api for IMGUI) for the D programming language
derelict-libui 0.3.0, 8 years ago 1.22016-May-22A dynamic binding to the libui library.
derelict-lua 2.0.0-beta.2, 7 years ago 1.92013-Dec-08A dynamic binding to the Lua scripting language library.
derelict-mono 1.1.1, 7 years ago 0.92017-Jun-03Bindings of Mono's C API to D
derelict-mpg123 0.1.2, 8 years ago 0.62016-Oct-07A dynamic binding to libmpg123
derelict-newton 1.0.0, 8 years ago 0.42016-Sep-17Dynamic bindings to Newton Dynamics Engine
derelict-notmuch 0.0.1, 7 years ago 0.72017-Jul-23A dynamic binding to the notmuch library.
derelict-nvrtc 1.0.2, 7 years ago 0.62017-Jul-27Dynamic bindings to NVRTC for the D programming language.
derelict-ode 3.0.0-beta.1, 7 years ago 1.42014-Feb-12A dynamic binding to the Open Dynamics Engine physics library..
derelict-ogg 2.0.0-beta.1, 7 years ago 1.12013-Dec-12A dynamic binding to libogg.
derelict-physfs 3.0.0-beta.2, 7 years ago 0.92013-Aug-18A dynamic binding to the PhysicsFS library.
derelict-portaudio 1.0.0-alfa.1, 6 years ago 0.42018-Dec-23A dynamic binding to the PortAudio libraries.
derelict-portmidi 1.0.0, 6 years ago 0.52016-May-17A dynamic binding to the PortMidi library
derelict-pq 4.0.0, 2 years ago 4.32013-Sep-13A dynamic and static binding to libpq.
derelict-sass 2.0.0, 9 years ago 0.52015-Jan-22Dynamic bindings to libsass.
derelict-sdl2 3.1.0-alpha.6, 4 years ago 3.12013-Aug-24Dynamic bindings to SDL2, SDL2_image, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_ttf and SDL2_net.
derelict-sdl2_gfx 1.0.0, 8 years ago 0.72015-Oct-15A binding to the SDL2_gfx library
derelict-sfml2 4.0.0-beta.2, 7 years ago 1.62013-Oct-19A dynamic binding to the SFML2 libraries.
derelict-steamworks 0.0.9, 7 years ago 1.62015-Apr-24Dynamic bindings to the Steamworks SDK for the D programming language
derelict-theora 2.0.0-beta.1, 7 years ago 0.92014-May-28A dynamic binding to libtheora.
derelict-utf8proc 3.0.0-beta.2, 6 years ago 0.72018-Aug-21Dynamic and static binding to the utf8proc library.
derelict-util 3.0.0-beta.2, 7 years ago 4.52013-Aug-16Cross-platform shared library loader and a number of utility modules used by the Derelict libraries.
derelict-vlfeat 0.0.2, 7 years ago 0.52017-Oct-24Dynamic bindings for the VLFeat library
derelict-vorbis 2.0.0-beta.2, 7 years ago 1.22013-Dec-12A dynamic binding to libvorbis.
derelict-vulkan 0.0.20, 6 years ago 2.02016-Feb-16A dynamic binding to the vulkan api.
derelict-wintab 0.1.2, 8 years ago 0.62016-Oct-06A dynamic binding to WinTab (Wacom Tablet API for Windows)
derelict_extras-anttweakbar ~master, 8 years ago 0.82014-Mar-12A dynamic binding binding to the AntTweakBar library.
derelict_extras-escapi ~master, 8 years ago 0.72014-Jan-16A dynamic binding to the escapi library.
derelict_extras-glib ~master, 10 years ago 0.12013-Dec-20Dynamic bindings to glib-2.0 for the D Programming Language.
derelict_extras-jwt 1.0.0, 7 years ago 0.32017-Feb-26Unoffical Derelict binding to the libjwt C library.
derelict_extras-nanomsg 0.0.3, 9 years ago 0.72015-Jan-13Dynamic bindings to nanomsg.
derelict_extras-opencl 1.2.1, 10 years ago 0.52014-Jan-19A dynamic binding to the OpenCL library.
derelict_extras-purple ~master, 10 years ago 0.62013-Dec-20Dynamic bindings to (lib)purple for the D Programming Language.
derelict_extras-udis86 0.1.0, 11 years ago 0.72013-Oct-15A dynamic binding to the udis86 library.
des 1.4.1, 9 years ago 0.02014-Nov-01D Extended Set: OpenGL wrap, window with SDL2, etc
desarch 0.3.0, 9 years ago 0.52015-May-30D Extended Set Architech
descore 1.2.7, 9 years ago 1.02015-Feb-18D Extended Set Core: math, multithread, images, logsystem, localization, signal-slot, etc
describe-d 0.11.1, a year ago 1.52020-Apr-13Library that provides structures for code introspection
desflow 0.2.0, 9 years ago 0.52015-May-31D Extended Set Multithread Wrap
desil 0.2.1, 9 years ago 0.52015-May-30D Extended Set Image Lib
desktopfile 1.3.3, 4 years ago 1.12015-May-03Desktop Entry Specification implementation
deslog 0.3.0, 9 years ago 0.52015-May-30D Extended Set Logging System
desmath 0.2.5, 8 years ago 0.82015-May-30D Extended Set Math
desmc 0.1.1, 10 years ago 0.72014-Nov-06D Extended Set MoCapture
despiker 0.1.3, 10 years ago 0.02014-Oct-10Real-time frame-based profiler for D
desspace 0.2.1, 9 years ago 0.52015-May-31D Extended Set 3D View Utils
desstdx 0.2.1, 9 years ago 0.12015-May-30D Extended Set Standart Lib Extend
dests 0.3.1, 4 years ago 0.82015-May-30D Extended Set Test Suite: minimal
detached 0.1.7, 7 years ago 0.82016-Sep-14Spawn detached processes with no need to wait on them
deth 0.0.10, a year ago 2.32021-Aug-30Ethereum stuff for D
devarticlator 0.1.0, 4 years ago 0.02020-Feb-10Publishes Aricles stored in the repository.
devol 0.1.1, 10 years ago 0.62014-Apr-15Framework for genetic programming over typed expressions
dexcel 1.0.2, 9 years ago 0.82015-Sep-29Bindings to libxlsxwriter
dexpect 0.0.3, 9 years ago 0.42015-May-17A D implementation of the expect tool.
dext 0.4.0, 5 years ago 0.72019-Jun-09A collection of extensions and utilities for the D programming language.
dextool 5.1.0, a month ago 2.32016-Sep-12C/C++ tooling for mocking, mutation testing and visualisation
dfftw3 1.0.1, 9 years ago 0.82015-Apr-22Bindings for FFTW3
dfins 0.4.1, 5 years ago 0.72019-May-03D library for Omron FINS protocol
dfix 0.3.5, 6 years ago 2.12014-Nov-21Tool for automatically upgrading D source code
dfl 0.10.6, 11 days ago 2.62024-May-16D Forms Library, or DFL, is a Win32 windowing library for the D language.
dfl2 1.0.7, 10 years ago 0.92014-Oct-14dfl2 is a GUI library for Windows,now it can be built by dco, DUB or Visual Studio .NET(such as VS…
dflake 1.0.2, 2 years ago 0.82022-May-25Snowflake ID generator
dfmt 0.15.1, a year ago 4.62015-Apr-21Dfmt is a formatter for D source code
dformlib 0.2.2, 8 years ago 0.52016-Jan-28Yet another DFL fork
dfuck 1.0.0, 6 years ago 0.52018-Dec-21An optimized brainfuck interpreter and compiler.
dfunkt ~master, 6 years ago 0.02018-Jan-11Functional programming for D
dfuse 0.5.0, 3 years ago 1.02015-Jun-27A D binding for libfuse
dg2d 0.0.1, 4 years ago 1.32020-Nov-112D vector graphics rendering library for the D Programming Language.
dgame 0.6.7, 6 years ago 2.52015-Feb-24A 2D framework for the D programming Language
dgamevfs 0.2.0, 10 years ago 0.62014-Aug-07Minimalist virtual file system for game development
dglsl 0.6.0, 8 years ago 1.52016-Jan-10A GLSL bridge for D.
dgpio 0.0.2, 8 years ago 0.92016-Feb-01Tiny GPIO control library for single board computers
dgraph 0.0.2, 9 years ago 2.02013-Oct-21A library for creating, analysing and manipulating graphs (networks). It aims to be fast and memo…
dgt 0.3.2, 7 years ago 0.02017-Aug-19An ergonomic 2D game toolkit
dgtl 0.0.1, a year ago 0.32023-Jul-16D Google Translate Library
dgui 1.0.1, 10 years ago 2.52014-May-20A graphic library for Windows.
dguihub 0.1.2, 7 years ago 0.92017-Feb-10A graphic library for Windows (github version).
dhdf5-simple 0.1.0, 7 years ago 0.82016-Apr-25A minimal D application.

Displaying results 501 to 600 of 2480 packages found.