This is a mirror of

Name Last update Score Registered Description
ddmp, 7 years ago 3.52014-Jan-14D port of the diff-match-patch library
slf4d 3.0.1, 3 months ago 3.52023-Feb-15Simple Logging Facade For D
localimport 1.3.0, 5 years ago 3.52019-Jan-06Module for D's local import idiom.
ae 0.0.3576, 8 days ago 3.52014-Nov-19CyberShadow's ArmageddonEngine utilites for almost everything
bcaa 0.0.9, 2 years ago 3.52020-Feb-13Simple associative array implementation for D (-betterC)
wave-d 1.0.8, 3 years ago 3.52014-Mar-16WAV file loader/emitter.
test_allocator 0.3.4, a year ago 3.42016-Dec-16A test allocator
directx-d 0.14.1, 2 years ago 3.42013-Nov-07DirectX for D
dray 5.0.0-r5, 10 days ago 3.42020-Jul-25raylib bindings for dlang
tinyfiledialogs 0.10.1, 5 years ago 3.42019-Sep-29Cross-platform single-file library for native dialogs.
log 0.7.1, a year ago 3.42014-Jul-12Simple Logging for D
dsfml 2.1.1, 8 years ago 3.42013-Nov-19DSFML binding for SFML-The Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
vibe-serialization 1.0.4, a month ago 3.32024-Feb-16Serialization system and BSON/JSON format support
vibe-stream 1.1.0, 5 months ago 3.32024-Feb-17Advanced stream implementations for vibe-core
scriptlike 0.10.3, 5 years ago 3.32014-Feb-11Utility library to help you write script-like programs.
witchcraft 0.1.9, 8 years ago 3.32016-Feb-22Extensions to runtime reflection in D.
hyphenate 1.1.4, 2 years ago 3.32014-Feb-07Hyphenation library for Tex hyphenation patterns.
diskuto 1.7.6, 4 months ago 3.32017-Mar-14Embedded comment engine
libclang 0.3.3, 2 months ago 3.32018-Mar-07libclang bindings / wrappers for D
gitver 1.6.1, a year ago 3.32021-Jun-06Generate version tags from git

Displaying results 101 to 120 of 2480 packages found.