This is a mirror of

Name Last update Score Registered Description
dxx 0.6.2, 4 years ago 0.62018-Aug-15D language utility library and modular application framework
dcontain 1.0.3, 5 years ago 0.62019-May-25Various container types for D
texit 1.3.2, 7 months ago 0.62022-Nov-22A text-based animation engine for D, based off arsd.simpledisplay.
piyopiyo 0.0.1, 10 months ago 0.62022-Nov-15PIXEL's piyopiyo audio format
xdg-basedir 1.0.0, 9 years ago 0.62015-Apr-27Deimos-like binding to libxdg-basedir
dinclusion 1.0.0, 9 years ago 0.62015-Oct-09Simple file inclusion in D programs.
ithoxd-qrcode 1.2.2, 8 years ago 0.62015-Nov-10qrcode writen in dlang.
gameserver 0.1.2, 2 years ago 0.62022-Mar-25Server to host games using enet
ringbuffer 2.3.0, a year ago 0.62022-Feb-18a simple @nogc ringbuffer
easyhttp 0.7.4, 4 months ago 0.62023-Sep-26An easy-to-use HTTP client library.

Displaying results 1441 to 1450 of 2480 packages found.