This is a mirror of
Name | Last update | Score | Registered | Description |
derelict-as | 0.0.1, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Jul-06 | Unofficial Derelict binding for Angelscript |
htmllog | 0.0.2, 2 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Jul-10 | Simple HTML log format for std.experimental.logger. |
desarch | 0.3.0, 9 years ago | 0.5 | 2015-May-30 | D Extended Set Architech |
seed | 1.4.0, 8 months ago | 0.5 | 2023-Jan-11 | Command-line tool base library. |
digestx | 0.2.2, 10 years ago | 0.5 | 2014-Nov-02 | Digest algorithm implementations with APIs conforming to std.digest |
pagegen | 1.1.3, 2 years ago | 0.5 | 2022-Jun-22 | Page Generator, using templates |
wg-monitor | 1.0.0, 7 months ago | 0.5 | 2024-May-04 | Wireguard monitor |
unbound-control | 0.0.4, a year ago | 0.5 | 2023-Jan-02 | Wrapper for the Unbound DNS unbound-control |
deslog | 0.3.0, 9 years ago | 0.5 | 2015-May-30 | D Extended Set Logging System |
data-mnist | 1.0.0, 7 years ago | 0.5 | 2017-Nov-24 | Download MNIST dataset. |
queue | 1.0.0, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Mar-14 | A Queue internally on an SList. |
compile_db | 0.0.5, 9 months ago | 0.5 | 2021-Aug-19 | parse compile_commands.json |
desil | 0.2.1, 9 years ago | 0.5 | 2015-May-30 | D Extended Set Image Lib |
poid | 0.0.1, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Jun-22 | POI implemented in D |
secret-d | 0.0.4, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Jun-20 | D binding to libsecret |
desflow | 0.2.0, 9 years ago | 0.5 | 2015-May-31 | D Extended Set Multithread Wrap |
desspace | 0.2.1, 9 years ago | 0.5 | 2015-May-31 | D Extended Set 3D View Utils |
trial-razer | 0.1.1, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Mar-10 | A trial plugin that use the Razer Chroma LEDs to display the test results |
bit-min-max | 1.0.0, 10 years ago | 0.5 | 2014-Dec-14 | Find min and max of bitwise AND, OR, and XOR |
classutil | 1.0.0, 2 years ago | 0.5 | 2022-Dec-20 | Class/interface type checking utility for D |
csuf | 0.2.4, 7 years ago | 0.5 | 2017-Jan-01 | Command Sequence Unoriginal Format |
vibe-json-log | 0.1.2, 5 years ago | 0.5 | 2019-Jun-18 | A JSON based logger for vibe-core. |
glustercli | 0.2.0, 6 months ago | 0.5 | 2019-Aug-26 | D language bindings for Gluster FS CLI |
pushover | 0.3.1, 7 years ago | 0.5 | 2016-Mar-13 | Dlang API for notification API |
cubf | 0.1.0, 7 years ago | 0.5 | 2017-Jan-23 | Chunked Unoriginal Binary Format |
iseven | 1.0.2, 5 years ago | 0.5 | 2019-May-24 | Check if the input is an even integer |
simplefixedsizearray | 0.0.3, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Oct-11 | A simple fixed size array |
jumped | 0.6.0, 4 years ago | 0.5 | 2020-Jan-06 | An Inversion of Control framework for D, similar to Spring |
libaio | 0.1.0, 4 years ago | 0.5 | 2020-Jul-16 | Dynamic binding to the Linux libaio library |
trpc | 0.1.3, 3 years ago | 0.5 | 2021-Aug-20 | Light-weight Thread RPC library for D |
vibe-rcon | 1.1.0, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2017-Oct-04 | Source RCON Protocol implementation for vibe.d |
d_simplex | 0.0.1, 10 years ago | 0.5 | 2014-Dec-25 | Nelder-Mead Simplex for the D Programming Language. |
pushdown | 1.0.0, 2 years ago | 0.5 | 2022-Sep-27 | Library to parse things via a pushdown automaton |
nudelo | 0.2.1, 7 years ago | 0.5 | 2017-Nov-14 | Simple command-line HTML minifier |
dprefhandler | 0.0.1, 4 years ago | 0.5 | 2020-Aug-16 | Simple D language library for managing and storing of preferences of desktop applications on Windo… |
dnsmadeeasy | ~master, 9 years ago | 0.5 | 2015-Oct-12 | dlang implementation for dnsmadeeasy API |
enumcons | 0.1.0, a year ago | 0.5 | 2023-Feb-01 | Type-safe extensible enums without classes. @nogc nothrow pure @safe |
ip2whois-d | 1.0.0, 5 months ago | 0.5 | 2024-Jul-12 | IP2WHOIS D Library |
d-base58 | 0.1.0, 8 years ago | 0.5 | 2016-May-17 | ported from java |
live-logger | ~master, 8 years ago | 0.5 | 2016-May-10 | A logging utility for dynamic values in D |
indexed-relation | 0.0.1, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Feb-23 | In-memory indexed relations |
libtidy-d | 1.22.0, 9 years ago | 0.5 | 2015-Apr-27 | D bindings to libtidy. |
statsd | 0.0.2, 3 years ago | 0.5 | 2021-Jun-19 | A StatsD client. |
mathed | 0.2.0, 10 years ago | 0.5 | 2014-Jul-07 | Small math library for D |
cutenet | 0.1.0, a year ago | 0.5 | 2023-Apr-20 | Binding for cutenet a networking library for games requiring an optional reliability layer over UD… |
dgfx | 1.2.1, 3 days ago | 0.5 | 2024-Nov-24 | A pixel graphics libary for D |
jsonserialized | 0.2.1, 8 years ago | 0.5 | 2016-Feb-17 | JSON serialization library for std_data_json. Easily serialize/deserialize structs to/from a JSONV… |
colored-logger | 0.1.0, 9 years ago | 0.5 | 2015-Dec-15 | Colored logger for TTY |
dexpect | 0.0.3, 9 years ago | 0.5 | 2015-May-17 | A D implementation of the expect tool. |
logging | 0.3.0, 10 years ago | 0.5 | 2014-Oct-20 | simple logging library |
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Displaying results 1801 to 1850 of 2515 packages found.