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Name Last update Score Registered Description
diet-ng 1.8.1, 2 years ago 4.12016-Jan-10Next generation Diet template compiler.
mysql-native 3.2.4, a year ago 4.12012-May-19A native MySQL driver implementation based on Steve Teale's original
mir-cpuid 1.2.11, a year ago 4.12016-Oct-14CPU Characteristics Identification
cairod 0.0.1-alpha.3+1.10.2, 8 years ago 4.12013-Oct-31cairo bindings and wrappers for the D programming language.
urld 3.0.1, 3 days ago 4.12015-Nov-27A URL parsing library
money 3.0.2, 3 years ago 4.02016-Apr-30A money data type, for easy and safe handling of currency amounts
dcv 0.4.0, 2 months ago 4.02016-Aug-14Computer vision library for D programming language.
derelict-ft 2.0.0-beta.5, 5 years ago 4.02013-Aug-26A dynamic binding to the FreeType library.
vibe-http 1.1.1, 14 days ago 4.02019-Dec-30HTTP server and client implementation and higher level HTTP functionality
xlsxd 4.0.4, a year ago 4.02018-Nov-07A thin wrapper around libxlsx to write excel spreadsheets

Displaying results 61 to 70 of 2480 packages found.