ddcpuid 0.20.0-rc

x86 processor information library and application

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

ddcpuid, CPUID tool

ddcpuid is a x86 processor information tool.

$ ddcpuid # Summary is the default mode
Name:        GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Identifier:  Family 0x6 Model 0x3a Stepping 0x9
Cores:       4 cores 8 threads
Max. Memory: 64GB physical 256TB virtual
Techs:       x86-64-v2 EIST TurboBoost Intel-TXT/SMX HTT
SSE:         SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2
AVX:         AVX
AMX:         None
Others:      x87/FPU +F16C MMX AES-NI
Cache L1-D:  4x 32KB    (128KB)  SI
Cache L1-I:  4x 32KB    (128KB)  SI
Cache L2-U:  4x 256KB   (1MB)    SI
Cache L3-U:  1x 8MB     (8MB)    SI CI CCI
  • Can be used as a stand-alone tool or as a library. DUB compatible.
  • Fully supports DMD, GDC, and LDC compilers.
  • BetterC compatible, and used by default for the application.
  • Library does not rely on external functions (e.g., C runtime, Druntime, OS).
  • Surpasses CPU-Z, Intel's Go CPUID module, and Druntime's core.cpuid module in terms of x86-related information.
  • Currently featuring 240 CPUID bits documented and counting!

Want to better understand x86 and their technologies? There's the ddcpuid Manual (PDF)!

Officially supports these vendors:

  • "GenuineIntel" - Intel Corporation
  • "AuthenticAMD" - Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
  • "KVMKVMKVM\0\0\0" - Linux built-in Kernel Virtual Machine
  • "Microsoft Hv" - Microsoft Hyper-V interface
  • "VBoxVBoxVBox" - VirtualBox Hyper-V interface
  • "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" - VirtualBox minimal interface

1. Output Examples

1.1. In a Virtual Guest with 2 Cores Allocated

$ ddcpuid
Name:        GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Identifier:  Family 0x6 Model 0x3a Stepping 0x9
Cores:       2 cores 2 threads
Max. Memory: 64GB physical 256TB virtual
Techs:       x86-64 HTT
SSE:         SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.2
AVX:         AVX
AMX:         None
Others:      x87/FPU MMX AES-NI
Mitigations: L1D_FLUSH MD_CLEAR
ParaVirt.:   Hyper-V
Cache L1-D:  2x 32KB    (64KB)   SI
Cache L1-I:  2x 32KB    (64KB)   SI
Cache L2-U:  2x 256KB   (512KB)  SI
Cache L3-U:  2x 8MB     (16MB)   SI CI CCI

NOTE: Features may be influenced by the virtual environment.

1.3. Feature Level

$ ddcpuid --level

1.4. Default CPUID Table on Host Computer

$ ddcpuid --table
| Leaf     | Sub-leaf | EAX      | EBX      | ECX      | EDX      |
|        0 |        0 |        d | 756e6547 | 6c65746e | 49656e69 |
|        1 |        0 |    306a9 |  5100800 | 7fbae3ff | bfebfbff |
|        2 |        0 | 76035a01 |   f0b2ff |        0 |   ca0000 |
|        3 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |
|        4 |        0 | 1c004121 |  1c0003f |       3f |        0 |
|        5 |        0 |       40 |       40 |        3 |     1120 |
|        6 |        0 |       77 |        2 |        9 |        0 |
|        7 |        0 |        0 |      281 |        0 | 9c000400 |
|        8 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |
|        9 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |
|        a |        0 |  7300403 |        0 |        0 |      603 |
|        b |        0 |        1 |        2 |      100 |        4 |
|        c |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |
|        d |        0 |        7 |      340 |      340 |        0 |
| 80000000 |        0 | 80000008 |        0 |        0 |        0 |
| 80000001 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        1 | 28100800 |
| 80000002 |        0 | 20202020 | 20202020 | 65746e49 | 2952286c |
| 80000003 |        0 | 726f4320 | 4d542865 | 37692029 | 3737332d |
| 80000004 |        0 | 50432030 | 20402055 | 30342e33 |   7a4847 |
| 80000005 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |
| 80000006 |        0 |        0 |        0 |  1006040 |        0 |
| 80000007 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |      100 |
| 80000008 |        0 |     3024 |        0 |        0 |        0 |

1.5. Detailed information output

For more information in the fashion of cpuid(1), use the -d or --details switches.

2. Compiling

The best way to compile ddcpuid is by using DUB.

Compilers supported:

2.1. DUB

Using dub(1) is rather straightforward.

Once installed, navigate to the root directory of the project and to perform a debug build, simply do: dub build

For a release build: dub build -b release-nobounds

To select a different compiler: dub build --compiler=ldc2

For more information, visit this page.

2.2. Makefile

The Makefile relies on GNU Make (gmake/gnumake).

Available variables:

  • DC: D compiler, defaults to dmd
  • PREFIX: installation path prefix, defaults to /usr/local

Available actions:

  • debug (default)
  • release
  • install
  • uninstall


  • make: Produce a debug build
  • make release DC=ldc: Produce a release build with LDC

2.3. Manually

Since ddcpuid only consists of two source files, both being in the src folder, it's still pretty simple to perform a compilation by hand.

Here's an example that works on any compiler:

dmd src/ddcpuid.d src/main.d -ofddcpuid
ldc2 src/ddcpuid.d src/main.d -ofddcpuid
gdc src/ddcpuid.d src/main.d -oddcpuid

If you want an optimized build:

dmd -betterC -release -O -boundscheck=off src/ddcpuid.d src/main.d -oddcpuid
ldc2 -betterC -release -O -boundscheck=off src/ddcpuid.d src/main.d -oddcpuid
gdc -fno-druntime -release -O -fbounds-check=off src/ddcpuid.d src/main.d -oddcpuid

You get the idea.

2.4. GDC Issues

2.4.1. GDC and betterC

Versions earlier than 11 will not compile using -fno-druntime due to linking issues: undefined reference to '__gdc_personality_v0'.

2.5. LDC Issues

2.5.1. Legacy stdio Definitions

On Windows, LDC versions 1.13 and 1.14 do not include legacy_stdio_definitions.lib when linking, making it impossible to compile the project using -betterC.

  • dd86k <dd@dax.moe>
0.21.1 2023-Oct-13
0.21.0 2022-Oct-02
0.20.0 2022-Mar-27
0.20.0-rc.3 2022-Mar-20
0.20.0-rc.2 2022-Mar-20
Show all 11 versions
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