decentralized-internet 3.4.5

A library for building distributed web and grid computing projects.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

Decentralized Internet

npm FOSSA Status | | Discord | Gitter | Read the Docs

The NPM library is a collection of the following repos made for the purpose of building decentralized web projects:

lotion | bitcoin-peg | clusterpost | gridbee-framework | Reinvent-the-Internet

Also special thanks to: The Lonero Dev Team

  • May need some updates in Seed Migration for some of the org repos

Papers worth checking out: Lonero Whitepaper (Original) | CrowdCoin Scientific Whitepaper

This NPM library/package is being mantained by the folks here

Lotion Sample (State Machines):
  • From original Lotion repo (shown on installation page for demo purposes)
// app.js
let lotion = require('lotion')
let app = lotion({
	initialState: {
		count: 0
function transactionHandler(state, transaction) {
	if (state.count === transaction.nonce) {
let connect = require('lotion-connect')
app.start().then(appInfo => console.log(appInfo.GCI))
ccxml Device Connection Sample Code:
  • xml taken from TI's IDE in device config for driver
<connection XML_version="1.2" id="TI MSP430 USB1">
Installation Methods

Install via NPM: npm i decentralized-internet Install via YARN: yarn add decentralized-internet Install via PIP: pip install decentralized-internet Install via APM: apm install decentralized-internet Ember Installation: ember install decentralized-internet Install via VS Code: ext install Lonero.decentralized-internet Install via SNAP: sudo snap install decentralized-internet --edge Install via Docker: docker pull gamer456148/decentralized-internet

Arch Linux Installation Instructions:
git clone
cd snapd
makepkg -si
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
sudo snap install decentralized-internet --edge
Install via Dart:

Add to your pubspec.yaml file:

  decentralized_internet: ^3.4.1

Run: pub get

App to add GitHub metrics tracking to select repos here Potential BitBucket Marketplace App See original compatibility status update here

***** See NPM v.Updates

Latest Git Release Package here


FOSSA Status

  • gamer456148
3.6.9 2020-Jan-14
3.4.5 2020-Jan-13
~depfu/update/npm/ember-source-5.8.0 2024-Apr-17
~depfu/update/npm/ember-source-5.7.0 2024-Mar-06
~depfu/update/npm/ember-resolver-12.0.1 2024-Jun-13
Show all 32 versions
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