derelict-ode ~0.12

A dynamic binding to the Open Dynamics Engine physics library.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


A dynamic binding to version 0.12 of the Open Dynamics Engine physics library for the D Programming Language. Note that version 0.12 of ODE is outdated and new projects should use version 0.13. This branch of DerelictODE is reported to work with version 0.13, but unless you need to maintain an existing codebase you would be better off with the the 0.13 branch of DerelictODE. You can download version 0.12 of the ODE source from the old project page at Sourceforge

For information on how to build DerelictODE and link it with your programs, please see the post Using Derelict at The One With D.

For information on how to load the ODE library via DerelictDE see the page DerelictUtil for Users at the DerelictUtil Wiki. In the meantime, here's some sample code.

import derelict.ode.ode;

void main() {
    // Load the ODE library.

    // Now ODE functions can be called.
  • Mike Parker
3.0.0-beta.1 2017-Jun-16
2.0.1 2017-Jun-16
2.0.0 2016-Feb-22
1.1.2 2015-Jul-13
1.1.1 2014-Nov-02
Show all 16 versions
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