dialect 3.0.1

IRC parsing library

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:

dialect:assertgen - Tool for generating asserts for unittest blocks

dialect Linux/macOS/Windows Linux Windows Commits since last release

IRC parsing library.

In brief

API documentation can be found here.

struct IRCEvent
    enum Type { ... }  // large enum of IRC event types

    Type type;
    string raw;
    IRCUser sender;
    IRCUser target;
    string channel;
    string content;
    string[16] aux;
    string tags;
    uint num;
    Nullable!long[16] count;
    long time;
    string errors;

struct IRCUser
        enum Class { ... }  // enum of IRC user types; operator, staff, and similar
        Class class_;

    string nickname;
    string realName;
    string ident;
    string address;
    string account;
    long updated;

struct IRCChannel
    struct Mode { ... }  // embodies the notion of a channel mode

    string name;
    string topic;
    string modechars;
    Mode[] modes;
    bool[string] users;
    bool[string][char] mods;
    long created;

struct IRCServer
    enum Daemon { ... } // enum of various IRC daemons

    Daemon daemon;
    string address;
    ushort port;

    // More internals

struct IRCClient
    string nickname;
    string user;
    string realName;

struct IRCParser
    IRCClient client;
    IRCServer server;
    this(IRCClient, IRCServer);

    IRCEvent toIRCEvent(const string);  // <-- entry point of use

Available build configurations

  • library is the base configuration
  • twitch includes extra parsing needed to interface with Twitch servers
  • bot includes some code specifically useful for bot applications
  • twitchbot is twitch and bot combined

It is pure and @safe in the default library configuration.

How to use

See the /examples directory for a simple bot client that connects to an IRC server and joins a channel.

This is not a bot framework; for that you're better off with the full reference-implementation kameloso and writing a plugin for it that suits your needs.

Longer story

  • Create an IRCClient and configure its members. (required for context when parsing)
  • Create an IRCServer and configure its members. (it may work without but just give it at minimum a host address)
  • Create an IRCParser with your client and server via constructor. Pass it by ref if passed around between functions.
  • Read a string from the server and parse it into an IRCEvent with yourParser.toIRCEvent(stringFromServer).
IRCClient client;
client.nickname = "...";

IRCServer server;
server.address = "...";

IRCParser parser = IRCParser(client, server);

string fromServer = ":zorael!~NaN@address.tld MODE #channel +v nickname";
IRCEvent event = parser.toIRCEvent(fromServer);

with (event)
    assert(type == IRCEvent.Type.MODE);
    assert(sender.nickname == "zorael");
    assert(sender.ident == "~NaN");
    assert(sender.address == "address.tld");
    assert(target.nickname == "nickname");
    assert(channel == "#channel");
    assert(aux[0] = "+v");

string alsoFromServer = ":cherryh.freenode.net 435 oldnick newnick #d :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel";
IRCEvent event2 = parser.toIRCEvent(alsoFromServer);

with (event2)
    assert(type == IRCEvent.Type.ERR_BANONCHAN);
    assert(sender.address == "cherryh.freenode.net");
    assert(channel == "#d");
    assert(target.nickname == "oldnick");
    assert(content == "Cannot change nickname while banned on channel");
    assert(aux[0] == "newnick");
    assert(num == 435);

// Requires Twitch support via build configuration "twitch" or "twitchbot"
string fullExample = "@badge-info=subscriber/15;badges=subscriber/12;color=;display-name=SomeoneOnTwitch;emotes=;flags=;id=d6729804-2bf3-495d-80ce-a2fe8ed00a26;login=someoneontwitch;mod=0;msg-id=submysterygift;msg-param-mass-gift-count=1;msg-param-origin-id=49\\s9d\\s3e\\s68\\sca\\s26\\se9\\s2a\\s6e\\s44\\sd4\\s60\\s9b\\s3d\\saa\\sb9\\s4c\\sad\\s43\\s5c;msg-param-sender-count=4;msg-param-sub-plan=1000;room-id=71092938;subscriber=1;system-msg=someoneOnTwitch\\sis\\sgifting\\s1\\sTier\\s1\\sSubs\\sto\\sBlarp's\\scommunity!\\sThey've\\sgifted\\sa\\stotal\\sof\\s4\\sin\\sthe\\schannel!;tmi-sent-ts=1569013433362;user-id=224578549;user-type= :tmi.twitch.tv USERNOTICE #blarp"
IRCEvent event3 = parser.toIRCEvent(fullExample);

with (event3)
    assert(type == IRCEvent.Type.TWITCH_BULKGIFT);
    assert(sender.nickname == "someoneontwitch");
    assert(sender.displayName == "SomeoneOnTwitch");
    assert(sender.badges == "subscriber/12");
    assert(channel == "#blarp");
    assert(content == "SomeoneOnTwitch is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to Blarp's community! They've gifted a total of 4 in the channel!");
    assert(aux[0] == "1000");
    assert(count[0] == 1);
    assert(count[1] == 4);

See the /tests directory for more example parses.

Unit test generation

Compiling the assertgen dub subpackage builds a command-line tool with which it is easy to generate assert blocks like the ones above. These can then be pasted into an according file in /tests and ideally submitted as a GitHub pull request for upstream inclusion. You can use it to contribute known-good parses and increase coverage of event types.

Simply run dub run :assertgen and follow the on-screen instructions.

Enter daemon [optional daemon literal] (ircdseven): unreal
Enter network (freenode): foobar
Enter server address (irc.freenode.net): irc.server.tld


// Paste a raw event string and hit Enter to generate an assert block. Ctrl+C to exit.

:irc.server.tld PRIVMSG #channel :i am a fish

    immutable event = parser.toIRCEvent(":irc.server.tld PRIVMSG #channel :i am a fish");
    with (event)
        assert((type == IRCEvent.Type.CHAN), Enum!(IRCEvent.Type).toString(type));
        assert((sender.address == "irc.server.tld"), sender.address);
        assert((channel == "#channel"), channel);
        assert((content == "i am a fish"), content);

The output will by default also be saved to a unittest.log file in the current directory. See the --help listing for more details, passed through dub with dub run :assertgen -- --help.


Starting with v3.0.0, a more recent compiler version is required. This is to allow for use of named arguments and to enable some compiler preview switches. You need a compiler based on D version 2.108 or later (April 2024). For ldc this translates to a minimum of version 1.38, while for gdc you broadly need release series 14.

If your repositories (or other software sources) don't have compilers recent enough, you can use the official install.sh installation script to download current ones, or any version of choice.

Releases of the library prior to v3.0.0 remain available for older compilers.

Note that while IRC is standardised, servers still come in many flavours, some of which outright conflict with others.

Please report bugs. Unreported bugs can only be fixed by accident.


  • nothing right now, ideas needed

Built with


This project is licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0 - see the LICENSE10.txt file for details.

  • JR
Sub packages:
3.1.0 2025-Feb-01
3.0.1 2025-Jan-13
3.0.0 2024-Aug-11
2.2.0 2024-Jan-27
2.1.0 2024-Jan-05
Show all 49 versions
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