dnslib ~master
A DNS lookup library and command-line application.
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
DNS resolver library and command-line app in dlang language
Supported features
- DNS forward and reverse lookup over udp, tcp and tls
- Fall-back from udp to tcp as well as tls to tcp
- Record types A, NS, CNAME, SOA, PTR, MX, TXT, AAAA, SRV and DNAME
- Write raw DNS request in hex to stdout
- Read raw DNS request in hex from stdin and send request to resolver server
- Diffent levels of resolver server certificate checks
- Library and command-line app can both be build with and with-out tls support
Not supported features
- IPv6 (not tested)
- BigEndian architectures
- Multiple resolver servers per request
Separate functions to generate request, query resolver server, parse query & response, validate query & response and print request & response (full as well as short versions). See command-line source code in file source/app.d for usage.
Command-line app usage
./dnslookup --help
Forward lookup
./dnslookup --name www.yahoo.com --type A --server --udptcpport 53 --protocol udp
./dnslookup --name www.yahoo.com --type A --server --tlsport 853 --protocol tls
./dnslookup --name www.yahoo.com --type A --server --udptcpport 53 --protocol udptcp --recursiondesired=false
Reverse lookup
./dnslookup --name --reverse --server --udptcpport 53 --protocol tcp
Skip network part - only parse query
./dnslookup --name www.yahoo.com --type A --server --udptcpport 53 --protocol none
Raw request output and input
Output raw request and response messages
./dnslookup --name www.yahoo.com --type A --server --protocol udp --printdata
Use raw request message for lookup.
echo "5b1f0100000100000000000003777777057961686f6f03636f6d0000010001" | ./dnslookup --hexstdin
Use raw request or response message without lookup. This will parse the request or response message (see 'QR' for which one) even though it always says 'PRINTING REQUEST MESSAGE' and 'VALIDATING REQUEST MESSAGE.
echo "5b1f8180000100030000000003777777057961686f6f03636f6d0000010001c00c000500010000002300210e6d652d796370692d63662d77777703673036087961686f6f646e73036e657400c02b00010001000000230004bc7d5eccc02b00010001000000230004bc7d5ece" | ./dnslookup --hexstdin --protocol none
Resolver server certificate checks
Different levels of certificate check in order from loose to strict
./dnslookup --name www.yahoo.com --type A --server --tlsport 853 --protocol tls --trusted=false
./dnslookup --name www.yahoo.com --type A --server --tlsport 853 --protocol tls --trusted=false --servername "dns.google"
./dnslookup --name www.yahoo.com --type A --server --tlsport 853 --protocol tls --trusted=true --servername "dns.google" --trustedcertfile "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
For trusted==false without servername: Require peer to always present a certificate and check certificate for basic validity. For trusted==false with servername: As above and also validate actual peer name/address against certificate. For trusted==true requires both servername and trustedcertfile: As above and also requires that certificate or any parent certificate is trusted.
Command line examples
The above command line examples are also listed in a bash script: commandlineexamples.sh
Build library and command-line app (tls and no-tls versions). See Makefile for how to only build some parts of the project.
make buildall
make buildallforce
Run unittests
make testall
- ~master released 2 months ago
- Tusanga/dnslib
- Copyright © 2020-2024, Adam Williams
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- vibe-core
- Versions:
0.1.0 2021-Jun-17 ~master 2024-Dec-16 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
1 downloads this week
1 downloads this month
15 downloads total
- Score:
- 1.1
- Short URL:
- dnslib.dub.pm