dsh 1.3.0

Library for writing D scripts.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


A single-import D library for writing scripts.

Here's an example of how you can write a single-file executable D script with DSH:

#!/usr/bin/env dub
/+ dub.sdl:
    dependency "dsh" version="~>1.3.0"
import dsh;

void main() {
    writeln("Hello world!");
    "cat dub.json".run;

To write your own DSH script, you can copy the above example to your own local D file.

If you use a script often, you might want to consider compiling your script to an executable. You can do so like this:

dub build --single script.d

Add the --build=release option to specify that you're building a release and not a debug build.

Why use DSH?

DSH offers a few main benefits over writing a script in plain D:

  • You get all the benefits of the D language: strong type checking, high-level constructs and a familiar syntax that compiles to native machine code.
  • Type-safety combined with universal function call syntax make it easy to write expressive scripts that are readable by those who know nothing about D.
  • Easily extend the functionality of your script by importing literally any library from the DUB package registry.
  • Cross-platform by default, but D gives you the ability to write platform-specific code whenever you need.


Included in this repository is a dshutil.d executable script. You can use this script to make it easier to write DSH scripts. It includes the following commands:

  • ./dshutil.d create [filename] - Creates a new DSH script with all the necessary boilerplate code.
  • ./dshutil.d build <filename> - Starts watching the given script, and rebuilds it if any changes are made. If the script starts with a comment line like // DSHTEST: , the script will be executed with everything following the : as command-line arguments to the script.
  • ./dshutil.d compile <filename> - Builds an executable file using dub build --single <filename> --build=release.

On linux, you may additionally perform the following commands to install dshutil as an executable on your system, to help with scripts anywhere.

  • ./dshutil.d install - Builds and installs this script in /usr/local/bin so that you can simply run dshutil from anywhere.
  • ./dshutil.d uninstall - Removes dshutil from /usr/local/bin, if it exists.
  • Andrew Lalis
1.6.1 2022-May-03
1.6.0 2022-May-02
1.5.1 2022-Apr-29
1.5.0 2022-Apr-29
1.4.0 2022-Apr-24
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