dxx 0.6.2

D language utility library and modular application framework

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:

dxx:core - DXX Core Library

dxx:app - DXX Application Library

dxx:tool - DXX Tools

dxx:services - DXX Services library

dxx:toolexample - DXX example module

dxx:basic - DXX basic example

dxx:plugin - DXX example module


D language utility library and modular application framework

Main library

The main package contains only two modules; dxx.packageVersion which is generated by the build and not stored in the repo, and dxx.constants which contains globally defined platform variables.

The rest of the library is broken into subpackages.

Building the libraries

The packages may be built using dale:

dub run dale -- build

Run the Example:

dub run dale -- runexample

Run the unittest:

dub run dale -- test

Once dale is built, you can run it directly (unless dale.d has been updated):

.dub/build/shi_sha/dale.exe upgrade

Or, just run the project:

dub run --config=shi_sha -- test

Application framework

This builds on the utility library (see below) to provide a structured application framework.


Application access to the configuration variables defined in the core package. The values are of type Variant are taken from:

  • LocalConfig properties.
  • LocalInjector properties
  • finally, a global array of default values.

This allows for types and parameters to be auto-registered with the injection container.

The mixin template registerComponent is used to register a type that inherits from RuntimeComponents.

The RuntimeComponents class takes a variadic parameter list. This list is parsed by the Injection wrapper, and classes and parameters registered in the container.

The principle is that applications, rather than register classes directly with the injector, instead provide a method in the runtime component that provides an instance of the type. Then, another application can extend the component type, and override the method to provide a different implementation of the registered type.


This is the default runtime component for generic applications.

The interface PlatformComponents describes the types that are available in this component.

The class PlatformRuntime extends the default runtime component class, and takes the same parameter list.

Classes in the client may extend PlatformRuntime to override the defaults, or to add their own types.

A PlatformJob interface and PlatformJobBase abstract class are provided by the platform module.

Important types registered by this component are:

  • WorkflowRunner
  • PluginLoader

A notifying job runner with status events.


Notifying workflow model and job type. Clients create workflow elements, and these are instantiated and added to a workflow object.

The workflow object may be loaded from a definitions at compile time, or at runtime.

Workflow elements take configuration settings and would use the injector to access local parameters.

The workflow can then be attached to a WorkflowJob wich is created by the WorkflowRunner.


Plugins are dynamic modules with a class activator. A plugin application may create a class extending PluginDefault, and override the activation methods.

Plugins may be loaded into an application using the class PluginLoader.

The plugin broadcasts lifecyle notifications, as does the plugin loader.

Core Utility Library


Stores key / value pairs defined during compilation as runtime constants, so that we can compare versions at runtime, in a dynamic library for example.

There are two classes; Constants which contains the enums and aliases which define each constant, and RTConstants which contains constant variable definitions for each constant.


The local application configuration is available at runtime in a static __gshared array of Variant[string].

The values are loaded from the file dxx.ini file at compilation time, and are assumed to remain constant during the application lifecycle.

The ini data is defined in the module as DXXConfig and an application can override this, or merge additional values.

This array is used to configure the application components, and is exposed via the class LocalConfig.


The injection tooling is a wrapper around aedi.

The library provides an application local injection container may be created by a client. This is initialised using template parameters.

The values passed in to the template are either component classes, which are scanned by the injection container, or property tuples, which are used to declare properties accessible to the application.

The property values are loaded into the injector when the container is initialised.

The property values can come from local configuration files, environment variables, and command line parameters.

TODO we want to reload the injection container transparently without breaking things. Or, more breaking them. Breaking them morely. More so.


A simple notification framework. Notifications may be synchronous or asynchronous.

Listeners implement the NotificationListener interface.

A user-defined struct may be passed as an argument to a notification event, which is passed on to all listeners.

Clients may extend the NotificationListenerBase which handles re-casting the notification parameter.


A simple string externalisation feature, allowing key-based translation files. The language is specified at compile time.


A notifying logger that also uses the injector.


We can hot-load dynamic libraries from files, using the reloaded library.

Our module loader takes care of version-checking of the dxx library at runtime.

This is because we want to build in a notification callback system for our application plugin framework.

The callbacks rely on matching structs defined in the core library, and these may vary between library versions.

  • Mark
Sub packages:
dxx:core, dxx:app, dxx:tool, dxx:services, dxx:toolexample, dxx:basic, dxx:plugin
ctini, semver
0.6.2 2020-Jan-07
0.6.1 2020-Jan-07
0.6.0 2020-Jan-07
0.5.2 2019-Jun-19
0.5.1 2019-Jun-19
Show all 29 versions
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