gillespied 0.3.3
Physical time reaction propagation library in D. Based on the Gillespie algorithm of 1977 it contains various implementations and enhancements for fast reaction index and timing sampling.
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
This repository contains a physical, stochastic time reaction propagation library in D. Based on the Gillespie algorithm of 1977 it contains various implementations and enhancements for fast reaction index and timing sampling.
The algorithm models the time and reaction evolution as stated by Gillespie, see [1] and [2]. After [3], all properly or rather "related to the intended master equation" formulated algorithms, modelling physical time propagation algorithms are equivalent. This concerns algorithms with rejection as well as the ones which are rejection-free, as the current algorithm. The rejection-free algorithms form a subset of the algorithms with rejection.
The default Gillespie algorithm was enhanced by two features.
- If the reaction propensities are known, i. e. they do not have to be estimated, one of the random numbers needed by the original algorithm can be saved. As consequence the longer logarithmic operation is cancelled. See [4].
- The search of next reaction is done over the cumulative sum of provided propensities. This search can be enhanced by using memory space. In this case, any of available search algorithms can be applied to the cumulative sum range, which is naturally ordered. In [5] the binary search algorithm was applied, whereas in the present case, the search policy is managed by the standard library.
Example usage:
import gillespied;
void main()
import std.random : uniform, uniform01, rndGen;
import std.math : log, isNaN;
import std.range : put;
real[] inputPropensities = new real[uniform(1, ubyte.max)];
foreach(ref el; inputPropensities)
el = - uniform01!real.log;
auto algorithm = gillespieAlgorithm;
put(algorithm, inputPropensities);
assert(algorithm.tau != real.infinity);
assert(algorithm.index != inputPropensities.length);
Often, the algorithm is used for simulation of enzymatic substrate degradation, the common behavior of substance evolution in time is shown in the figure below. There, the comparison is done with the solution of the common differential equations, defined by the Michaelis Menten kinetics.
The output is generated by the code below.
import gillespied;
void main()
import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.range : put;
import std.algorithm.iteration : each;
import std.algorithm.searching : all;
import std.math : pow, lrint, isInfinity;
// stoichiometric matrix for Michaelis-Menten kinetics
auto VTransposed = [[-1, -1, 1, 0], [1, 1, -1, 0], [0, 1, -1, 1]];
const nA3root = 84_446_888UL; // see [6]
// define input params, // see [7]
const vol = real(5e-13);
const sInitConc = real(5e-7);
const eInitConc = real(5e-10);
const nAV = nA3root * nA3root * vol * nA3root;
const k1 = real(3000.0);
const k2 = real(200.0);
const k3 = real(1000.0);
const tfinal = 4.2L;
// declare working stuff
real[] tVals;
int[][] xVals;
auto algorithm = gillespieAlgorithm();
auto a = new real[VTransposed.length];
// initialize initial values
tVals ~= 0;
xVals ~= [cast(int)((sInitConc * nAV).lrint), cast(int)((eInitConc * nAV).lrint), 0, 0];
// define rates
const k = [k1 * nAV/xVals[0][0], k2, k3];
const c = [k[0]/nAV, k[1], k[2]];
// run the simulation loop
while(tVals[$-1] < tfinal)
// calculate reaction propensities from the current system state
a[0] = c[0]*xVals[$-1][0]*xVals[$-1][1];
a[1] = c[1]*xVals[$-1][2];
a[2] = c[2]*xVals[$-1][2];
// plug in the reaction propensities into the algorithm
put(algorithm, a);
// recieve the timing for the next reaction
tVals ~= tVals[$-1] + algorithm.tau;
// advance the system state container, by the copy of the last system state
xVals ~= xVals[$-1].dup;
// if the end of simulation is reached prematurely, exit the simulation loop
// in this unphysical case, update the time to the final time
tVals[$-1] = tfinal;
// ... and exit the simulation immediately.
// update the system state accordingly to the generated reaction index
xVals[$-1][] += VTransposed[algorithm.index][];
// all system participants are physical entities, whose amount cannot be negative
assert(xVals[$-1].all!(el => el >= 0));
// algebraic constraints hold
assert(xVals[$-1][0] + xVals[$-1][2] + xVals[$-1][3] == xVals[0][0] + xVals[0][2] + xVals[0][3]);
assert(xVals[$-1][1] + xVals[$-1][2] == xVals[0][1] + xVals[0][2]);
// generate the output
foreach(i, t; tVals)
The package provides optional dependency on the random generator of mir.random. This is done by the optional feature of dub, so that this random generator take over, if already present in the project.
[1] D. T. Gillespie, J. Comput. Phys. 434, 403 (1976).
[2] D. T. Gillespie, 93555, 2340 (1977).
[3] S. A. Serebrinsky, Phys. Rev. E - Stat. Nonlinear, Soft Matter Phys. 83, 2010 (2011).
[4] W. Sandmann, Comput. Biol. Chem. J. 32, 292 (2008).
[5] H. Li and L. R. Petzold, Tech. Rep. 1 (2006). (logarithmic direct method)
[6] Ronald F. Fox and Theodore P. Hill. “A Proposed Exact Integer Value for Avogadro’s Number”
[7] Desmond J. Higham "Modeling and Simulating Chemical Reactions", 2008
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2019- Alexander Orlov. All rights reserved.
License:, BSL License
Author: Alexander Orlov,
- 0.3.3 released 6 years ago
- Sandman83/gillespied
- BSL-1.0
- Copyright © 2019, Alexander Orlov
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- mir-random
- Versions:
0.3.3 2019-Feb-08 0.3.2 2019-Feb-08 0.3.1 2019-Feb-05 0.3.0 2019-Feb-05 0.2.0 2019-Jan-27 - Download Stats:
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- Score:
- 0.8
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