gtk-d ~Gtk2
GtkD is the Digital Mars D programing language OO wrapper for Gtk+.
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
GtkD is the Digital Mars D programing language OO wrapper for Gtk+. GtkD is release on the LGPL license with additional exceptions.
Please view COPYING for GtkD's license.
- Linux, Windows(2000, XP), or Mac
- Gtk libs
- dmd, gdc or ldc installation
- OpenGL libs (mesa is fine on linux)
- GtkGLext
Who are you?
If you want to write some wicked cool D and Gtk+ apps, grab the gtkD release archive at
If you want to tweak the automatic wrapper or help with it, use git...
The installation depends on the setup of your development environment. This means that to release your project you must include the gtkD lib on your deliverable or statically link to gtkD - please pay attention to the license.
Compile the lib and the test programs:
Linux / Posix:
Using the GNU make to compile GtkD on these Operating systems, calling make with no options will build GtkD, GtkD-Sourceview and one of the demos. Optionaly these options are available:
- all = build everything.
- [shared-]gtkd = build gtkd.
- [shared-]gtkdsv = build gtkd-sourceview.
- [shared-]gda = build gda.
- [shared-]gstreamer = build gstreamer.
- shared = build gtkd and gtkd-sourceview as shared libraries.
This currently only works with LDC.
- install and uninstall options are also available for the options mentioned above.
Or you can use one of the build options also available for Windows.
You can build GtkD using build/bud see the README in the build directory.
If you are using D1 dsss is also an option see the README_DSSS for more information.
- ~Gtk2 released 9 years ago
- gtkd-developers/GtkD
- LGPL license with additional exceptions
- Authors:
- Sub packages:
- gtk-d:gtkd, gtk-d:gtkdgl, gtk-d:sv, gtk-d:gstreamer
- Dependencies:
- gtk-d:gtkd, gtk-d:gstreamer, gtk-d:gtkdgl, gtk-d:sv
- Versions:
3.11.0 2023-Apr-08 3.10.0 2021-Nov-11 3.9.0 2019-May-28 3.8.5 2019-Jan-06 3.8.4 2018-Nov-21 - Download Stats:
12 downloads today
84 downloads this week
655 downloads this month
188792 downloads total
- Score:
- 4.8
- Short URL: