hunt-service ~master
Distributed RPC framework for DLang based on neton.
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
Getting started
The following code snippet comes from Hunt-service examples. You may clone the sample project.
# git clone
# cd examples
Define rpc service
syntax = "proto3";
package example.api;
service Hello {
rpc sayHello(HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse) {
message HelloRequest{
string name = 1;
message HelloResponse{
string echo = 1;
See [example/proto/example.proto]( on GitHub.
Implement service interface for the provider
module HelloService;
import example.api.examplerpc;
import example.api.example;
import grpc;
class HelloService : HelloBase
override Status sayHello(HelloRequest req, ref HelloResponse resp)
resp.echo = "hello ," ~;
return Status.OK;
See [provider/source/HelloService.d]( on GitHub.
Start service provider
auto providerFactory = new ServiceProviderFactory("",7788);
// If you use a registry, use the following options
// RegistryConfig conf = {"",50051,"example.provider"};
// providerFactory.setRegistry(conf);
providerFactory.addService(new HelloService());
See [provider/source/app.d]( on GitHub.
Build and run the provider
# cd provide
# dub run
Call remote service in consumer
auto invokerFactory = new ServiceInvokerFactory();
// If you use a registry, use the following options
// RegistryConfig conf = {"",50051,"example.provider"};
// invokerFactory.setRegistry(conf);
auto client = invokerFactory.createClient!(HelloClient)();
assert(client !is null);
HelloRequest req = new HelloRequest();
foreach(num; 1 .. 10)
{ = to!string(num);
auto res = client.sayHello(req);
writeln("response : ", res.echo);
Build and run the consumer
# cd consumer
# dub run
See [consumer/source/app.d]( on GitHub.
- ~master released 6 years ago
- huntlabs/hunt-service
- Apache-2.0
- Copyright © 2019, huntlabs
- Dependencies:
- neton-client, grpc
- Versions:
0.0.1 2019-Mar-19 0.0.0 2019-Mar-18 ~master 2019-Jun-25 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
0 downloads this week
0 downloads this month
0 downloads total
- Score:
- 1.0
- Short URL: