kameloso 1.1.1

IRC bot

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

kameloso CircleCI Linux/OSX Travis Linux/OSX and documentation Windows Issue 46 GitHub commits since last release

kameloso sits in your channels and listens to commands and events, like bots generally do.

A variety of features come bundled in the form of compile-time plugins. It's easily extensible; API documentation is available online. Any and all ideas for inclusion welcome.

IRC is standardised but servers still come in many flavours, some of which outright conflict with others. If something doesn't immediately work, generally it's because we simply haven't encountered that type of event before, and so no rules for how to parse it have yet been written.

For help on getting started, see the wiki.

Please report bugs. Unreported bugs can only be fixed by accident.

Current functionality includes:

  • bedazzling coloured terminal output like it's the 90s
  • automatic mode sets (eg. auto +o on join for op)
  • looking up titles of pasted web URLs
  • logs
  • sed-replacement of the last message sent (s/this/that/ substitution)
  • saving notes to offline users that get played back when they come online
  • seen plugin; reporting when a user was last seen, written as a rough example plugin
  • user quotes
  • Twitch chat support, including basic streamer bot (default disabled); see notes on connecting below
  • piping text from the terminal to the server (Linux/OSX and other Posix platforms only)
  • mIRC colour coding and text effects (bold, underlined, ...), mapped to ANSI terminal formatting (extra step needed for Windows)
  • SASL authentication (plain)
  • configuration file; create one and edit it to get an idea of the settings available

If nothing else it makes for a good lurkbot.

Current limitations:

  • the dmd and ldc compilers may segfault if building in anything other than debug mode (bug #18026).
  • the stable release of the gdc compiler doesn't yet support static foreach and thus cannot be used to build this bot. The development release based on D version 2.081 doesn't work yet either, segfaulting upon compiling (bug #307).
  • Windows may need a registry fix to display terminal colours properly; see the known issues section.

Use on networks without services (NickServ/Q/AuthServ/...) may be difficult, since the bot identifies people by their account names. You will probably want to register yourself with such, where available.

Testing is primarily done on freenode and on Twitch, so support and coverage is best there.


-n       --nickname Nickname
-s         --server Server address [irc.freenode.net]
-P           --port Server port [6667]
-A        --account Services account name
-p       --password Services account password
           --admins Administrators' services accounts, comma-separated
-H          --homes Home channels to operate in, comma-separated
-C       --channels Non-home channels to idle in, comma-separated
-w    --writeconfig Write configuration to file

A dash (-) clears, so -C- translates to no channels, -A- to no account name, etc.

Table of contents

Getting started


You need a D compiler and the dub package manager. There are three compilers available; see here for an overview. You need one based on D version 2.076 or later (September 2017). You will also need more than 4 Gb of free memory to build all features (Linux debug, excluding tests).

kameloso can be built using the reference compiler dmd and the LLVM-based ldc. The stable release of the GCC-based gdc is currently too old to be used.


$ git clone https://github.com/zorael/kameloso.git
$ cd kameloso


$ dub build

This will compile the bot in the default debug mode, which adds some extra code and debugging symbols.

You can automatically skip these and add some optimisations by building it in release mode with dub build -b release. Mind that build times will increase. Refer to the output of dub build --help for more build types.

The above might currently not work, as the compiler may crash on some build configurations under anything other than debug mode. (bug #18026)

Unit tests are built into the language, but you need to compile the project in unittest mode to include them. Tests are run at the start of the program, not during compilation. Test builds will only run the unit tests and immediately exit.

$ dub test

Build configurations

There are several configurations in which the bot may be built.

  • vanilla, builds without any specific extras
  • colours, compiles in terminal colours
  • web, compiles in plugins with web lookup (webtitles and bashquotes)
  • full, includes both of the above
  • twitch, everything so far, plus the Twitch streamer bot (chat support is always included)
  • posix, default on Posix-like systems (Linux, OSX, ...), equals full
  • windows, default on Windows, also equals full
  • polyglot, development build equalling everything available, including things like more error messages

List them with dub build --print-configs. You can specify which to compile with the -c switch. Not supplying one will make it build the default for your operating system.

$ dub build -c twitch

How to use


The bot needs the services account name of one or more administrators of the bot, and/or one or more home channels to operate in. To define these you can either specify them on the command-line, or generate a configuration file and enter them there.

$ ./kameloso --writeconfig

A new kameloso.conf will be created in a directory dependent on your platform.

  • Linux: ~/.config/kameloso (alternatively where $XDG_CONFIG_HOME points)
  • OSX: $HOME/Library/Application Support/kameloso
  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\kameloso
  • Other unexpected platforms: fallback to current working directory

Open the file in a normal text editor.

Command-line arguments

You can override some configured settings with arguments on the command line, listed by calling the program with --help. If you specify some and also add --writeconfig it will apply these changes to the configuration file, without having to manually edit it.

$ ./kameloso \
    --server irc.freenode.net \
    --nickname "kameloso" \
    --admins "you,friend,thatguy" \
    --homes "#channel,#elsewhere" \
    --channels "#d,##networking" \

Configuration file written to /home/user/.config/kameloso/kameloso.conf

Later invocations of --writeconfig will only regenerate the file. It will never overwrite custom settings, only complement them with new ones. Mind however that it will delete any lines not corresponding to a currently valid setting, so settings that relate to plugins that are currently not built in are silently removed, as are comments.

Display settings

If you have compiled in colours and you have bright terminal background, the colours may be hard to see and the text difficult to read. If so, make sure to pass the --bright argument, and/or modify the configuration file; brightTerminal under [Core]. The bot uses the full range of 8-colour ANSI, so if one or more colours are too dark or bright even with the right brightTerminal setting, please see to your terminal appearance settings. This is not uncommon, especially with backgrounds that are not fully black or white. (read: Monokai, Breeze, Solaris, ...)

If you are on Windows and you're seeing \033[92m-like characters instead of colours, see the known issues section for a permanent fix.

Other files

More server-specific resource files will be created the first time you connect to a server. These include users.json, in which you whitelist which accounts get to access the bot's features. Where these are stored also depends on platform; in the case of OSX and Windows they will be put in subdirectories of the same directory as the configuration file, listed above. On Linux, under ~/.local/share/kameloso (or wherever $XDG_DATA_HOME points). As before it falls back to the working directory on other unknown platforms.

Example use

Mind that you need to authorise yourself with services as an account listed as an administrator in the configuration file to make it listen to you. Before allowing anyone to trigger any restricted functionality it will look them up and compare their accounts with the white- and blacklists. Refer to the admins field in the configuration file, as well as your users.json.

     you joined #channel
kameloso sets mode +o you
     you | I am a fish
     you | s/fish/snek/
kameloso | you | I am a snek
     you | !addquote kameloso I am a snek
kameloso | Quote saved. (1 on record)
     you | !quote kameloso
kameloso | kameloso | I am a snek
     you | !note OfflinePerson Why so offline?
kameloso | Note added.
     you | !seen OfflinePerson
kameloso | I last saw OfflinePerson 1 hour and 34 minutes ago.
     you | kameloso: sudo PRIVMSG #channel :this is a raw IRC command
kameloso | this is a raw IRC command
     you | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-mOy8VUEBk
kameloso | [youtube.com] Danish language (uploaded by snurre)

Online help and commands

Send help to the bot in a private message for a summary of available bot commands, and help [plugin] [command] for a brief description of a specific one. Mind that commands defined as regular expressions cannot be shown, due to technical reasons.

The prefix character (here !) is configurable; refer to your generated configuration file. Common alternatives are . and ~, making it .note and ~quote respectively.

prefix              "!"

It can technically be any string and not just one character. It may include spaces, like "please " (making it please note, please quote, ...). Prefixing commands with the bot's nickname also works (and in some cases only works, like kameloso: sudo [...] in the example above).


To connect to Twitch servers you must supply an OAuth token pass (not password). Generate one here, then add it to your kameloso.conf in the pass field.

nickname            twitchaccount
pass                oauth:the50letteroauthstringgoeshere
homes               #twitchaccount
channels            #streamer1,#streamer2,#streamer3

address             irc.chat.twitch.tv
port                6667

See the wiki for more information.

Twitch bot

The streamer bot plugin is opt-in, both during compilation and at runtime. Build the twitch configuration to compile it, and enable it in the configuration file under the [TwitchBot] section. If the section doesn't exist, regenerate the file after having compiled a build configuration that includes the bot. (The configuration file section will not show up when generating the file if the plugin is not compiled in.)

$ dub build -c twitch
$ ./kameloso --set twitchbot.enabled=true --writeconfig

Assuming a prefix of "!", commands to test are: !uptime, !start, !stop, !oneliner, !commands, !vote/!poll, !abortvote/!abortpoll, !admin

Note: a dot . prefix will not work on Twitch, as it conflicts with Twitch's own commands.

Again, refer to the wiki.

Use as a library

The IRC event parsing is largely decoupled from the bot parts of the program, needing only some common non-bot-oriented helper modules.

Feel free to copy these and drop them into your own project. Examples of parsing results can be found in the test files in tests/. Look up the structs IRCBot and IRCParser to get started. See the versioning at the top of irc/common.d. It can be slimmed down further if support for only one server network is required; inquire within.

Known issues


Web URL lookup, including the web titles and bash.org quotes plugins, will not work out of the box with secure HTTPS connections due to missing libraries. Download a "light" installer from slproweb.com and install to system libraries, and it should no longer warn on program start.

Terminal colours may also not work, requiring a registry edit to make it display properly. This works for at least Windows 10.

  • In regedit under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console, create a DWORD named VirtualTerminalLevel and give it a value of 1.
  • Alternatively in Powershell: Set-ItemProperty HKCU:\Console VirtualTerminalLevel -Type DWORD 1
  • Alternatively in a cmd console: reg add HKCU\Console /v VirtualTerminalLevel /t REG_DWORD /d 1

Otherwise use the --monochrome setting to disable colours, or compile a non-colours configuration.

When run in Cygwin/mintty terminals, the bot will not gracefully shut down upon hitting Ctrl+C, instead terminating abruptly. Any changes to configuration will thus have to be otherwise saved prior to forcefully exiting like that, such as with the Admin plugin's save command.


If the pipeline FIFO is removed while the program is running, it will hang upon exiting, requiring manual interruption with Ctrl+C. This is a tricky problem to solve as it requires figuring out how to do non-blocking reads. Help wanted.


  • pipedream zero: no compiler segfaults
  • pipedream: DCC
  • pipedream two: ncurses?
  • seen doing what? channel-split? IRCEvent-based? (later)
  • non-blocking FIFO
  • more pairs of eyes

Built with


This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • JR
3.14.159 2024-Jan-27
3.13.0 2023-Sep-26
3.12.1 2023-Sep-06
3.12.0 2023-Aug-25
3.11.1 2023-Jul-21
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