microrm 0.6.0

Micro ORM for SQLite3

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Micro ORM for SQLite3

Very simple ORM with single backend (SQLite3).

This methods returns struct instances

auto qSelect(T)(ref Database db);
auto qDelete(T)(ref Database db);
auto qCount(T)(ref Database db);

They structs have methods

ref Self where(V)(string field, V val);
ref Self whereQ(string field, string cmd);
ref Self and(V)(string field, V val);
ref Self andQ(string field, string cmd)

there Self is type of structure, and method

auto run() @property;

for each own types.

This method execute immediately

auto qInsert(T)(ref Database db, T[] arr...);

See example/source/app.d

  • Oleg Butko (deviator)
0.8.1 2021-May-06
0.8.0 2019-May-31
0.7.0 2017-Oct-18
0.6.0 2017-Oct-04
0.5.0 2017-Sep-17
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