mondo ~master
MongoDB library for D
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
D library for MongoDb (over mongo-c-driver 1.8.0).
You need to install libmongo on your system.
Fast way to get mongo-c-driver on your machine:
$ curl -LO
$ tar xzf mongo-c-driver-1.8.0.tar.gz
$ cd mongo-c-driver-1.8.0/
$ ./configure --with-libbson=bundled
$ make
$ sudo make install
Tested with dmd and ldc2 on Ubuntu/Linux.
How it works
import mondo;
import bsond;
void main()
// Create a connection to mongo
Mongo mongo = new Mongo("mongodb://localhost");
// Also: Collection c = mongo["my_database"]["my_collection"]
Collection c = mongo.my_database.my_collection;
// Drop collection if already exists
if (c.exists) c.drop();
// Insert a new object. BO is an alias for BsonObject
// It inserts something like {"my_message" : "Ciao Mondo!", "my_language" : "it"}
"my_message", "Ciao Mondo!", // It actually means "Hello World!" in italian
"my_language", "it"
assert(c.count == 1); // Of course.
auto obj = c.findOne(); // Returns the first object it finds
// Verify it is the object we've just inserted
assert( obj["my_message"].as!string == "Ciao Mondo!" );
assert( obj["blah"].as!string("default") == "default"); // This field doesn't exists
auto field = obj["my_message"].as!int(42);
assert(field == 42); // Conversion error. Defaulted
assert(field.exists == true); // Field exists on db
assert(field.ok == false); // But can't read as int
obj["my_message"] = "Hello World!";
obj["my_language"] = "en";
// Save back object to db;
// Do a simple check for all objects inside collection (just one)
// c.find() returns a lazy range of BsonObject.
import std.algorithm : all;
assert(c.find.all!(x => x["my_language"].as!string == "en") == true);
Binding a custom class/struct
void bind_test()
// Create a connection to mongo
Mongo mongo = new Mongo("mongodb://localhost");
// Also: Collection c = mongo["my_database"]["my_collection"]
Collection c = mongo.my_database.my_collection;
// Drop collection if already exists
if (c.exists) c.drop();
c.insert(BO("nickname", "trikko", "info", BO("firstname", "Andrea", "lastname", "Fontana")));
c.insert(BO("nickname", "other", "info", BO("firstname", "Foo", "lastname", "Bar")));
// Find return a User instead of a BsonObject
foreach(user; c.find!User)
user.nickname = user.nickname ~ "_1";
// It saves back object to db;
import std.algorithm : all, endsWith;
assert(c.find!User.all!(x => x.nickname.endsWith("_1")));
// Class works too
struct User
@property string firstname() { return _bson["/info/firstname"].as!string; }
@property string lastname() { return _bson["/info/lastname"].as!string; }
@property string nickname() { return _bson["nickname"].as!string; }
@property void nickname(in string nickname) { _bson["nickname"] = nickname; }
// This is required if you want to read from db
this(BsonObject bo) { _bson = bo; }
// This is required if you want to save to db
// If BsonObject obj = yourobject.bson; compiles, it's fine.
@property auto bson() const { return _bson; }
BsonObject _bson;
Perform a simple search
import std.range;
import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
import std.stdio;
void search_test()
// Create a connection to mongo
Mongo mongo = new Mongo("mongodb://localhost");
// Also: Collection c = mongo["my_database"]["my_collection"]
Collection c = mongo.my_database.my_collection;
// Drop collection if already exists
if (c.exists) c.drop();
// Create 100 random users
// Sort by score
// Update ranking for the first 10
// Save to db the top ten
auto data = new RandomUserGenerator()
.sort!((a,b) => a["points"].as!float < b["points"].as!float)
.map!( (x) { x.value["ranking"] = to!int(x.index); return x.value; } );
// I can insert a range of custom struct/class too
// Simple query to get only nickname of users named mark
Query q = new Query();
q.conditions["name"] = "mark";
q.fields["nickname"] = true;
// Same query, but working with helper functions defined below
// Helper function could be a good idea
auto filterByName(Query q, in string name) { q.conditions["name"] = name; return q; }
auto showFields(Query q, in string[] fields) { fields.each!(x => q.fields[x] = true); return q; }
// I use this to create some random data to fill database
class RandomUserGenerator
this() { popFront(); }
void popFront()
import std.random;
string[] names = ["mark", "john", "andrew"];
string name = randomSample(names, 1).front;
front = BO(
"name", name,
"nickname", name ~ uniform(1000,9999).to!string,
"age", uniform(20,30),
"points", uniform(0.0f, 100.0f)
BsonObject front;
bool empty = false;
More examples
For more examples just check unittests :)
- ~master released 5 years ago
- 2night/mondo
- MIT License
- Copyright © 2016,
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- none
- Versions:
1.1.10 2019-Nov-08 1.1.9 2018-Jul-05 1.1.8 2017-Oct-05 1.1.7 2017-Oct-04 1.1.6 2017-Jan-19 - Download Stats:
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15 downloads this month
842 downloads total
- Score:
- 1.7
- Short URL: