onyx-config 1.2.1
Read configuration data from text file in run-time.
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
"onyx-config" designed for working with configuration data in run time.
Key features:
- The ConfBundle is immutable container for save configuration data.
- A ConfBundle may be created from text file or string array in run-time.
- "#" is comment symbol in text file.
- "=" and "->" is Key to Value separators in text file.
Configuration text file ("./conf/test.conf"):
[general] # <-- This is Global Key (GlKey)
mod_name = KPR
# ^
# |--- This is Key
mod_type = RptR11Transceiver
# ^
# |--- This is Value
logging = on #off
# ^
# |--- This is Key to Value Separator
file_name_pattern = KPR.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log.gz
level = info #error, warn, debug, info, trace
max_history = 30
out_pattern = %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS}%-5level%logger{36}[%thread]-%msg%n
regime = slave #master - KPR; slave - OIK;
adr_RTU = 0x0A
channel_switch_timeout = 1000 100 10 # many values in one line is possible
[data_receive] # <-- This is "data" prefix Global Key (GlKey)
# Addr in Addr_out type_of_data name_of_data send_to_next channel Formula
# KPR_adr UTS_PMZ priority
0xC000 -> 0xC000 0x0B XGES_Р yes 1 (2*{0xC000}+10)+(-0.2*{0xC179}-5)
# ^
# |--- This is Key to Value Separator too
0xC000~1 -> 0xC001 0x0B XYGES_Р yes 2 (1*{0xC000}+0)
# ^
# |--- This is Key
0xC179 -> 0xC179 0x0B XaES_Р yes 1 1*{0xC179}+0
# ^
# |--- This is possition 1 Value
# ^
# |--- This is possition 0 Value
Source code example:
import onyx.config.bundle;
void main()
/* Build ConfBundle from config file */
auto bundle = immutable ConfBundle("../test/test.conf");
/* get value for GlKey:"log", Key:"level" */
auto value1 = bundle.value("log", "level");
assert (value1 == "info");
/* short form to get the value for GlKey:"general", Key:"module_name" */
auto value2 = bundle.generalValue("module_name");
assert (value2 == "KPR");
/* get value for line with many values from possition 1 */
auto value3 = bundle.value("protocol", "channel_switch_timeout", 1);
assert (value3 == "100");
/* get value for GlKey:"data_receive", Key:"0xC00", position:3
auto value4 = bundle.value("data_receive", "0xC000", 3);
assert (value4 == "yes");
/* Build another bundle from string array */
string[] s2 =
"data_flow = input",
"test_key = value1 value2"];
auto bundle2 = immutable ConfBundle(s2);
/* Add two bundles. Created new bundle with data from both bundles */
auto newBundle = bundle + bundle2;
auto value5 = newBundle.value("log", "level");
assert (value5 == "info");
auto value6 = newBundle.value("new_gl_key", "test_key", 1);
assert (value6 == "value2");
/* Get from bundle one global data part (in example with global key: "log")
auto partBundle = newBundle.subBundle("log");
- 1.2.1 released 9 years ago
- nykytenko/onyx-config
- Copyright © 2014, onyx
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- none
- Versions:
2.0.13 2021-Mar-09 2.0.12 2020-May-29 2.0.11 2018-Oct-04 2.0.10 2018-Sep-25 2.0.9 2017-Dec-19 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
1 downloads this week
10 downloads this month
1908 downloads total
- Score:
- 1.3
- Short URL:
- onyx-config.dub.pm