qscript 0.6.1

a tiny, small, & fast scripting lang.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


A fast, static typed, scripting language, with a syntax similar to D Language.

Setting it up

To add QScript to your dub package or project, add the following into dub.json dependencies:

"qscript": "~>0.6.0"

or if you have dub.sdl:

dependency "qscript" version="~>0.6.0"

After adding that, look at the demos/demo.d to see how to use the QScript class to execute scripts.

Getting Started:

To get started on using QScript, see the following documents:

  • spec/syntax.md - Contains the specification for QScript's syntax.
  • spec/functions.md - Contains a list of predefined QScript functions.
  • demos/demo.d - A demo usage of QScript in D langauage. Shows how to add new functions,

And for the documentation on the code, including QScript's compiler, it is stored in docs/. The spec for QScript's byte code is also available, in spec/bytecode.md, but knowing it is not necessary for using QScript.


  1. Syntax very similar to D
  2. Dynamic arrays
  3. Very fast execution speed. QScript has a virtual machine for this purpose, no interpretation is done at run time.
  4. Static typed. This eliminates a lot of errors.

Planned Features To Add:

  1. for, do while, and foreach loops
  2. Compile time optimizations, where the compiler executes some code at compile time, to make byte code more efficient
  3. Basic support for classes and structs, will probably take lot of time

Example scripts:

The following scripts are written assuming that the program, which is running QScript, provides the writeln(string) function, and starts execution from main. Hello World:

function void main(){
	writeln ("Hello World!");


function void main{
	int[] (array);
	array = array(1, 2, 3, 4);
	int (i, length);
	i = 0;
	length = getLength(array);
	while (i < length){
		writeln (intToStr(array[i]));
		i = i + 1;
  • nafees
0.8.0-alpha 2021-Mar-22
0.7.4 2021-Feb-02
0.7.3 2020-Dec-17
0.7.2 2020-Oct-27
0.7.1 2020-Mar-14
Show all 23 versions
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