rebindable 0.0.1

D data structures that work for any type.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

What is this?

rebindable is a D library of data types that work for any type, regardless of constness.

It contains a helper type, rebindable.DeepUnqual, that takes an arbitrary type T and produces a "primitive mutable type", of an "equivalent" type to T - with pointers in all the right places so that when you allocate an array of it, the garbage collector will still scan its actual references and skip non-pointer data.

At the same time, this type will be freely reassignable without running any lifetime functions: constructors, destructors, copy constructors etc.

Reassignment will work even if the given type is immutable or contains immutable fields.

This can be useful when attempting to write data structures that work with immutable types.

rebindable also contains rebindable.Nullable, a demo implementation of Nullable on top of DeepUnqual.

But... why?

There is actually no good way in D today to create a type that is "like another type, but reassignable and also its destructor is not run on scope exit." My post "The Turducken Type Technique" ( ) was aimed at this goal, but somebody recently pointed out that it's undefined behavior to have a data type allocated with an immutable member that is cast to mutable. I have no reason to expect that to not hold when the data type is hidden in a union.

Hence DeepUnqual: a data type of the same layout, but with no immutability at all.

Is this good? No. Heck no, this is terrible code. I hate it. But I believe it's semantically valid, and I don't see how we are supposed to use immutable types at all, practically, without it. So might as well put it out here for review and improvement.

Hey, maybe somebody has a better idea.

Example usage


import rebindable.DeepUnqual;

static assert(is(DeepUnqual!int == int));
static assert(is(DeepUnqual!(const int) == int));
static assert(hasIndirections!(DeepUnqual!(void delegate())));


import rebindable.Nullable;

Nullable!(const int) ni;


ni = 5;
assert(ni.get == 5);


assert(ni == Nullable!(const int)());
  • @FeepingCreature
1.0.0 2022-Jul-22
0.1.0 2021-Nov-02
0.0.4 2021-Oct-15
0.0.3 2021-Sep-29
0.0.2 2021-Sep-29
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