serialport 1.1.0

Crossplatform work with serialport

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


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Docs generated by adrdox.

Library provides versatile work with serial port for Linux, Windows and MacOS.

Simple usage

auto com = new SerialPortBlk("/dev/ttyUSB0", 19200);

// setting parameters example
com.config = SPConfig(9600, DataBits.data8, Parity.none,
com.stopBits = StopBits.two;
// set 9600 baudrate, 8 data bits, no parity and one stop bit

auto cnt = com.write(someDataArray);
// cnt must be equal someDataArray.length

// res1 is slice of bufferForReading with readed data
auto res1 =;

See also example: monitor.

Class SerialPort provides non-blocking read (immediatlly return data in system serial port buffer) and write (return writed bytes count at the first onset).

Class SerialPortBlk provides blocking read and write.

If you want use library in fibers it provides SerialPortFR (Fiber Ready), where read and write is loops with calling sleep function. Loops algorithms use Fiber.yield if available, or Thread.yield as failback. If you want redefine this behavior, you can set void delegate(Duration) sleepFunc field directly or through last parameter of ctor.

write method of SerialPortBlk and SerialPortFR can throw TimeoutException if it can't finish write all data to serial port during timeout = writeTimeout + writeTimeoutMult * data.length.

read method in SerialPortBlk and SerialPortFR can throw TimeoutException.

Also, read method of thouse can throw TimeoutException, but here the behavior can be different. See library configuration.

Library configurations

Receive data time schema:

---|-------|--------------|-------|--> t
 call      |              |       |
 read      |              |       |
   |       |<----data receive---->|
   |       |=====   ====  | ======|
   |       |              |
   |       |<-readedData->|
   |                      |
   |                   return
   |<---read work time--->|

where readTimeoutSum = readTimeout + readTimeoutMult * dataBuffer.length;

readAvailable (default configuration)

if (readedData.length == 0)
    throw TimeoutException(port);


if (readedData.length < dataBuffer.length)
    throw TimeoutException(port);

For using this configuration set in your dub.sdl subConfiguration "serialport" "readAllOrThrow"

SerialPortFR.readAll method

Undepend of configuration SerialPortFR has readAll method

void[] readAll(void[] arr, Duration timeout=1.seconds, Duration frameGap=50.msecs)

It reads in loop from serial port while silent time is less what frameGap and throws TimeoutException only if timeout is expires and no data was readed.

---|-----|-----|------------|-----|------------> t
 call    |     |            |     |
readAll  |     |            |     |
   |     |     |            |     |
   |     |<---------data receive---------->|
   |     |=== =====   ======|     |   |== =|
   |     |     |  |   |     |     |
   |<-timeout->|  |   |     |     |
   |     |<-1->|  |<2>|     |<-3->|
   |     |                  |     |
   |     |<---readedData--->|     |
   |                           return
   |<------readAll work time----->|

(1) if readedData.length > 0 then continue reading
    else throw TimeoutException
(2) silent time, if silent < frameGap then continue reading
(3) else if silent > frameGap then stop reading
    and return readedData

It's useful if you don't know how much data can come:

  • allocate buffer for reading (4kB for example)
  • call readAll and get data frame


unix systems allow only standard speeds:

[0, 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400]

At expiration of read timeout throws TimeoutException if no bytes readed. If readed bytes count != 0 wait frame end gap and if no new bytes return readed.

Reading and writing loops algorithms use Fiber.yield if available, or Thread.yield otherwise. If you want redefine this behavior, you can set void delegate() yieldFunc field of SerialPort through ctor or directly.


Real hardware

Two paired USB->UART (FTDI FT232RL) uses for tests on linux and windows.


For linux and OSX tested (socat as tty pipe creator)

  • ldc
  • ldc-beta
  • ldc-1.8.0
  • dmd
  • dmd-nightly
  • dmd-2.079.1
  • dmd-2.078.3

For windows tested (build only, see note) fox x86 and x64

  • dmd beta
  • dmd stable
  • ldc beta
  • ldc stable

See .travis.yml .appveyor.yml


  1. Windows not full tested by CI (no real test with virtual com ports) because I did not configure to adjust the work com0com program
  • Oleg Butko (deviator)
2.2.3 2020-Jul-27
2.2.2 2019-Oct-25
2.2.1 2019-Oct-24
2.2.0 2018-Oct-25
2.1.7 2018-Jul-19
Show all 41 versions
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