sharpevents 1.0.0

Library that adds C#-esque events to D.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


Library that adds C#-esque events to D.

How to use

the Event class is localed in the sev.event module (short for sharpevents)

To create a new event, do like this.

public Event MyNewEvent = new Event();

An event handler has the signature of void [name] (void* sender, EventArgs args)

public void MyEventHandler (void* sender, EventArgs args) {
	//Do something.

Subscribe to an event by doing += (like in C#). Remember to use a pointer to the handler.

MyNewEvent += &MyEventHandler;

To unsubscribe, use -=

MyNewEvent -= &MyEventHandler;

To invoke subscribed event handlers, run the class instance like a function. Remember to specify sender and arguments (cast to void*)

MyNewEvent(null, null);
  • Clipsey
2.0.0 2020-Feb-27
1.0.2 2018-May-13
1.0.1 2018-Mar-15
1.0.0 2018-Feb-27
~master 2020-Feb-27
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