smtp ~master

Synchronous SMTP library for D language

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

SMTP library for D - version 0.3

Native synchronous SMTP client implementation in D language. Get at official Dub repository:

Tested with:

  • dmd-2.066.0 stable on Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet

Features Supported

  1. Low-level SMTP client via SmtpClient.
  2. High-level SMTP client via MailSender.
  3. Dedicated GMail SMTP gateway client via GMailSender (ssl version only)
  4. Attachments support.
  5. SSL/TLS encryption support (via OpenSSL). Next encryption methods implemented:
  • SSLv2
  • SSLv23
  • SSLv3
  • TLSv1
  1. Authentication support which includes the next methods:


  • More authentication methods.
  • More Dedicated clients for popular mail providers, additional API simplification.
  • Unit-tests suite.
  • Asynchronous version of the library.
  • Chunking support.


You can use smtp library for D via dub package manager. For this, follow the next steps:

  1. Download dub from DLang site (if you still don't have it installed).
  2. Create your project (or use dub.json from your existing one).
  3. Add smtp as a dependency:
       "dependencies": {
       		"smtp": ">=0.1.1",
  4. Use dub to build smtp library:

    without SSL/TLS support

     $ dub

    or with SSL/TLS support:

     $ dub -c ssl

    or with SSL/TLS support when OpenSSL is prebuilt without SSLv2 support:

     $ dub -c ssl-no-ssl2

    To chose right smtp building configuration for your project use subConfigurations setting in your project's dub.json:

       "subConfigurations": { "smtp": "no-ssl" }

    Available configurations are:

    • no-ssl by default
    • ssl to build with OpenSSL support


You can find low-level API usage example projects in examples folder:

  1. lowlevel Shows the simplest chain of routines to send e-mail message via unencrypted channel.
  2. lowlevel-tls Shows the simplest chain of routines to send e-mail message via encrypted channel. Note: if you want to use SSLv2 encryption type for some reason, you have to change `"smtp": "ssl-no-ssl2"` to `"smtp": "ssl2"` in `subConfiguration` section of the example's dub.json file.
  3. sender Shows how to authenticate and send a message using high-level API via MailSender class: connect, authenticate, send, and quit methods. MailSender high-level methods provide thread-safety.
  4. attachments Shows how to send messages with attachments using MailSender class via attach method and SmtpAttachment structure.

You can enter folder examples/<example-project-name> and perform $ dub in order to run and test example.

If you're a Linux or OS X user, you can use standard sendmail utility to get SMTP server up and running on your local host. For that just open new terminal tab or window and type sendmail.

If you want to test encrypted client, you can use along with TLSv1 encryption method. Obviously this works with ssl configuration of smtp library only.

  • Rostyslav Dzinko
0.3.0 2015-Jul-17
0.2.1 2015-Jul-15
0.2.0 2014-Apr-22
0.1.1 2014-Apr-12
0.1.0 2014-Apr-12
Show all 11 versions
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