stringex 0.0.2

Port of Ruby stringex gem to D.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


Partial port of Ruby's stringex into D. Right now it only includes unicode characters replacement via maps provided in YAML files.

Note that using it will create a directory unidecode-yaml in your project's root, where all YAML files will be put (if you know any other way to do it better, please let me know).


The simplest way to use it is to simply call a unidecode function on a string:

import std.stdio;
import stringex.unidecode;

void main()

The result will be ZOLW.

However, note that using it that way will create a UniDecoder class every time you call it and, as a result, loading YAML files on every use. The sane way to use it is to manually instantiate a decoder and reuse it, thus limiting filesystem operations (once loaded, map will be kept in memory):

auto decoder = new UniDecoder();
auto decoded = decoder.decode("żółw"); // => "zolw"
decoded = decoder.decode("影响"); // => "Ying Xiang"

What for?

This would probably be mostly useful for web apps and creating URLs for resources with unicode names. Another example is saving files with sane names.


Released under MIT license.

  • Paweł Świątkowski
0.2.1 2019-Nov-06
0.2.0 2019-Aug-26
0.1.1 2019-Jul-23
0.1.0 2017-Jul-24
0.0.3 2016-Nov-29
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