thebotbloglib ~master
A library that can be used to create bots for social media such as Facebook.
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
A library that can be used to create bots for social media such as Facebook.
To use the ImageManager class you must have ImageCmd compiled in the root folder of your project.
Createing a service.
auto service = new FacebookService("PAGE_ID", "TOKEN");
Creating a post
auto post = service.createPost("MESSAGE");
Creating a post with an image
auto post = service.createPost("MESSAGE", "IMAGE_URL");
Retrieving a post
auto post = service.retrievePost("POST_ID", true);
Updating the link and photo of a retrieved post.
Reading comments from a post.
auto comments = post.readComments();
while (post.hasMoreComments)
comments ~= post.readNextComments();
Getting post reactions
For comments just switch the post out with the comment object.
foreach (loveReact; post.loveReacts)
// ...
Getting comment reactions
For comments just switch the post out with the comment object.
foreach (comment; comments)
foreach (loveReact; comment.loveReacts)
// ...
The below examples require ImageCmd
Initializing an image
auto imageManager = new ImageManager("SOURCE_IMAGE_PATH", "finalized%s.png");
//The final image will be named "finalized.png"
Rotating an image 180 degrees
Draw an image
imageManager.drawImage("IMAGE_PATH", X, Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
Draw a rectangle
imageManager.drawRectangle(X, Y, WIDTH, HEIGHT, Color.rgb(0,0,0), true);
Drawing text
auto textOptions = new TextOptions;
textOptions.fontName = "Verdana";
textOptions.fontSize = 42.0;
textOptions.color = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255);
textOptions.rect = new Rectangle;
textOptions.rect.x = 0;
textOptions.rect.y = 0;
textOptions.rect.fixedWidth = true;
textOptions.rect.fixedHeight = true;
textOptions.centerText = true;
imageManager.drawText("The text to draw", textOptions);
Inversing colors
Making the image black and white
Finalizing the image
- ~master released 6 years ago
- TheBotBlog/thebotbloglib
- The MIT License (MIT)
- Copyright © 2019 The Bot Blog
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- vibe-d
- Versions:
0.0.1 2019-Dec-29 ~master 2019-Dec-29 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
0 downloads this week
0 downloads this month
7 downloads total
- Score:
- 0.9
- Short URL: