vasaro 1.0.2

Your printable vase creator.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

Vasaro Paypal Patreon

IPA: /va'zarɔ/ Italian archaic form of vasaio - a person who makes ceramic ware (i.e. "potter")

How it works

Vasaro preview

Where can I download it?

Vasaro is free, licensed under GPLv3. It works on all major platforms (linux, windows, macOS). Pre-compiled binaries (x64) for windows are available here.

Support vasaro development!

Vasaro is open source. Project is developed on a voluntary basis. You can support the development of vasaro in many ways:

  • Donating using paypal or patreon
  • Giving me some bitcoins, why not? (wallet: 38KUap5bVU8DQJjEepwX8NDG2wdvhGSMzb)
  • Publishing your designs and tagging them "made with vasaro"
  • Spreading the word
  • Testing vasaro: create new issues if it does not work properly
  • Sending a pull-request to improve vasaro

How to build vasaro from scratch

Vasaro is written in D programming language. Do you know C++, Java, etc? D is like those, just better.

You can use any D compiler, but to get the best performance out of your machine you should probably download and install the latest ldc's release from

Vasaro depends on two libraries:

Building instructions for macOS

Using homebrew (check this) is the easiest way:

brew install gtk+3 sdl2 ldc dub adwaita-icon-theme


dub --build=release-nobounds --compiler=ldc2

If you want to create a bundle and install vasaro:

/bin/sh ./

Building instructions for Ubuntu/Debian

Please be sure to have the latest dmd version installed. Often official repositories have an outdated version. For debian/ubuntu/mint/etc an unofficial apt repository is available with latest dmd compiler.

Install required dependencies:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libsdl2-dev  


dub --build=release-nobounds

Building instructions for Windows

On Windows console:

dub --build=release-nobounds --compiler=ldc2

Then extract this file into vasaro directory. Install this package to add gtk+3 library to your pc.

Planned features

A number of features are already planned: from bump mapping using a user-provided image to simple tasks such as loading & saving your vase project. Implementation of new features depends on the community interest and contribution.

  • Andrea Fontana
derelict-gl3, gtk-d:gtkd, derelict-sdl2
1.0.2 2018-Dec-13
1.0.1 2018-Dec-11
1.0.0 2018-Nov-30
~master 2022-Nov-19
Show all 4 versions
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