wayland ~master

Wayland bindings for D

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:

wayland:scanner - Wayland protocol scanner

wayland:client - D bindings to wayland-client

wayland:egl - D bindings to wayland-egl

wayland:server - D bindings to wayland-server

wayland:cursor - D bindings to wayland-cursor

wayland:connect - Wayland connect client example.

wayland:list_registry - Wayland list_registry client example.

wayland:simple_egl - Wayland simple egl client example.

wayland:hello - Wayland hello client example.

wayland:compositor - A wayland compositor example.

Wayland D bindings

D bindings to wayland.

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There are several components:

  • *Scanner*: XML protocol parser and code generator. It generates high level objects.
  • support for client and server side code generation.
  • support foreign protocols (such as xdg-shell. See the simple-egl example)
  • *Client*: client protocol and libwayland-client native API wrapped into higher level objects.
  • *EGL*: allow use of wayland-egl (see this example).
  • *Server*: server side protocol and bindings to libwayland-server to allow the creation of a compositor.

Scanner usage

$ dub run wayland:scanner -- -h
  A Wayland protocol scanner and D code generator.

-c   --code generated code: client|server [client]
-i  --input input file [stdin]
-o --output output file [stdout]
-m --module D module name (required)
-h   --help This help information.

Client usage

Add the wayland:client dependency in your dub.json:

"dependencies": {
    "wayland:client": "~>0.1.0"

The main wayland protocol is automatically generated by the scanner as a pre-build step of wayland:client. To use other protocols, the scanner must be used and XML protocol definition provided by the application. See the simple-egl example that uses the xdg-shell protocol.


Requests are made by calling methods on the WlProxy objects generated by the protocol. For example:

WlSurface surf = makeSurf();
WlBuffer buf = makeBuf();
surf.attach(buf, 0, 0);

As described in the protocol, some requests are void, others return a new object.


Events are listened to by registering a delegate in the WlProxy objects. See WlRegistry.onGlobal in the example hereunder.

Example of client code

import wayland.client;
import std.exception;
import std.stdio;

void main()
    auto display = enforce(WlDisplay.connect());
	scope(exit) display.disconnect();

    auto reg = enforce(display.getRegistry());
	scope(exit) reg.destroy();

    reg.onGlobal = (WlRegistry /+reg+/, uint /+name+/, string iface, uint /+ver+/) {
        writeln("registering ", iface);

Server usage

In the current implementation of the bindings, handling client requests is done by subclassing the WlGlobal and WlResource subclasses generated by the protocol. All protocol-generated classes that have requests are abstract. In the requests creating new resources, the application must therefore return a subclass object that implement the protocol requests.

Events are sent to clients by calling the send[EventName] methods of resource objects.

A part of the main protocol is implemented natively by libwayland-server. This is the case of wl_shm and wl_shm_pool. A consequence of this is that wl_buffer objects are not created under the application control. To create a WlBuffer subclass object that implement the requests, it is required to listen to native resource creation:

class Compositor : WlCompositor
	void newClientConnection(WlClient cl)
		cl.addNativeResourceCreatedListener((wl_resource* natRes) {
			import core.stdc.string : strcmp;
			if (strcmp(wl_resource_get_class(natRes), "wl_buffer") == 0) {
				new Buffer(natRes);

class Buffer : WlBuffer

See the compositor example that implement a quick and dirty compositor. It is not a good design of compositor, it only illustrates the bindings mechanics.


You can run the examples if you are under a wayland compositor:

dub run wayland:list_registry

For some of the examples, this only works if you cd first to the project root directory:

git clone https://github.com/rtbo/wayland-d.git
cd wayland-d
dub run wayland:hello
  • Rémi Thebault
Sub packages:
wayland:scanner, wayland:client, wayland:egl, wayland:server, wayland:cursor, wayland:connect, wayland:list_registry, wayland:simple_egl, wayland:hello, wayland:compositor
0.4.0 2025-Feb-16
0.3.1 2021-Aug-16
0.3.0 2021-Jul-10
0.2.0 2019-Jan-06
0.1.4 2019-Jan-06
Show all 12 versions
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