ysbase 0.1.1-beta

Hazel's base utilities for D programming

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YS Base

Hazel's base utilities for D programming.

Why? There are often problems I need to solve over and over again. This aims to make a package I can include as the base for my projects. Hopefully you can also find it useful.


  • memory allocation tools
  • [x] can work with std.experimental.allocator, stdx.allocator
  • [ ] automatically supports @nogc as long as your allocator does
  • [x] can be configured to just use the garbage collector (sets the default allocator to GCAllocator and disables freeing)
  • [x] fast general purpose default allocator
  • [x] version of Mallocator that takes the functions it calls as template args.
  • [ ] smart pointers and collectinos
    • [ ] smart pointers
    • [ ] vectors
    • [ ] strings
    • inspired by the API of BTL but using a completely original implementation.
    • with practical considerations inspired by my time writing embedded software in D
  • magic bullshittery utilities, sourced from both general projects of mine and especially from 3dskit
  • [x] transmute!, the equivalent of rust's std::mem::transmute or C++'s std::bit_cast.
  • [ ] string <-> String <-> char* conversion tools
  • template stuff
  • [ ] nice ways to forward attributes and visibility

This list will hopefully grow as I write more small lil utils.

Configurations and Versions

You can choose different behaviour at compile time using dub.json/dub.sdl:

subConfiguration "ysbase" "stdxalloc"

Use stdx.allocator instead of std.experimental.allocator. Note that stdx.allocator is basically a frozen / LTS version of std.experimental.allocator, but neither have received updates in years so just using std isn't likely to cause stability issues.

version "YSBase_GC"

Rely on the garbage collector for all freeing. This does the following things:

  • Sets the default allocator to GCAllocator
  • Memory management tools such as smart pointers and strings will NOT free memory automatically
  • If you pass a custom allocator in this mode, they will just leak.
  • Destructors will still run as usual, if present
  • For trivially destructible types, may significantly simplify bookkeeping for performance.
  • Disables automatic initialization of processAllocator

Why you wouldn't then just use raw pointers, strings, slice concatenation, new, etc., I don't know, but sure.

version "YSBase_NoGlobalAlloc"

Disables initializing processAllocator with an instance of YSBAllocator!Mallocator before main(). You need not set this version if you have set YSBase_GC already.

  • Hazel Atkinson
0.1.1-beta 2024-Nov-14
0.1.0-beta 2024-Nov-14
~main 2024-Dec-17
Show all 3 versions
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