dialect 0.0.1

IRC parsing library

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


IRC parsing library. Used in the kameloso bot.

It's not @nogc but it's largely/fully (?) @safe.

What it looks like

struct IRCEvent
    enum Type { ... }

    Type type;
    string raw;
    IRCUser sender;
    string channel;
    IRCUser target;
    string content;
    string aux;
    string tags;
    uint num;
    int count;
    int altcount;
    long time;
    string errors;

        string emotes;
        string id;

struct IRCUser
    enum Class { ... }

    Class class_;
    string nickname;
    string alias_;
    string ident;
    string address;
    string account;
    long lastWhois;

        string badges;
        string colour;

struct IRCServer
    enum Daemon { ... }
    enum CaseMapping { ... }

    string address;
    ushort port;

    // More internals

struct IRCClient
    version(RichClient)  // dub configuration "rich" (default)
        string nickname;
        string user;
        string ident;
        string realName;
        string quitReason;
        string account;
        string password;
        string pass;

        IRCServer server;

            string colour;

            bool updated;

        // More internals
    else  // dub configuration "plain"
        string nickname;
        IRCServer server;

            bool updated;

        // More internals

struct IRCParser
    IRCClient client;

    IRCEvent toIRCEvent(const string) { ... }  // <--

How to use

This assumes you have a program set up to read information from an IRC server. This is not a bot framework; for that you're better off with the full kameloso and writing a plugin that suits your needs.

Instantiate an IRCClient and configure its members. Read a string from the server and parse it with IRCParser.toIRCEvent(string).

IRCParser parser;

string fromServer = ":zorael!~NaN@address.tld MODE #channel +v nickname";
IRCEvent event = parser.toIRCEvent(fromServer);

with (event)
    assert(type == IRCEvent.Type.MODE);
    assert(sender.nickname == "zorael");
    assert(sender.ident == "~NaN");
    assert(sender.address == "address.tld");
    assert(target.nickname == "nickname");
    assert(channel == "#channel");
    assert(aux = "+v");

string alsoFromServer = ":cherryh.freenode.net 435 oldnick newnick #d " ~
    ":Cannot change nickname while banned on channel";
IRCEvent event2 = parser.toIRCEvent(alsoFromServer);

with (event2)
    assert(type == IRCEvent.Type.ERR_BANONCHAN);
    assert(sender.address == "cherryh.freenode.net");
    assert(channel == "#d");
    assert(target.nickname == "oldnick");
    assert(content == "Cannot change nickname while banned on channel");
    assert(aux == "newnick");
    assert(num == 435);

string furtherFromServer = ":kameloso^!~ident@81-233-105-99-no80.tbcn.telia.com NICK :kameloso_";
IRCEvent event3 = parser.toIRCEvent(furtherFromServer);

with (event3)
    assert(type == IRCEvent.Type.NICK);
    assert(sender.nickname == "kameloso^");
    assert(sender.ident == "~ident");
    assert(sender.address == "81-233-105-99-no80.tbcn.telia.com");
    assert(target.nickname = "kameloso_");

See the /tests directory for more example parses.


  • set up CIs
  • investigate @nogc
  • JR
3.0.0 2024-Aug-11
2.2.0 2024-Jan-27
2.1.0 2024-Jan-05
2.0.4 2023-Aug-19
2.0.3 2023-Jun-25
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