twitchapid ~master

A basic library for connecting to twitch chat and related api calls

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

Twitch IRC and API Library

What is it?

twitchircd is a library to simply the creation of tools that use both twitch API and twitch chat.


minimal support is provided at this time, currently we are expanding the supported features, in particular I am focusing on those usefull for chat bots.

Submissions/Pull Requests

If you wish to contribute code it must be licenced under the BSD 2 clause licence, you may additionaly opt for additional licences to be avilable should you chouse.

  • Phillip Ledger <>
0.4.1 2018-Nov-12
0.4.0 2018-Nov-07
0.3.6 2018-Oct-24
0.3.5 2018-Oct-01
0.3.4 2018-Sep-21
Show all 33 versions
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