urld 3.0.1
A URL parsing library
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
URL handling for D
D's standard library has nothing for working with URLs.
Vibe.d can work with URLs. However, Vibe is big. Also, we want to work easily with query strings, which vibe.d doesn't allow.
Recent Breaking Changes
- v3.0:
- urld does no automatic URL decoding
- urld only automatically encodes non-ASCII characters
constructor parses a URL rather than assigning the scheme only
Add "urld": "~>3.0.0"
to your dub.json
Parse a URL:
auto url = "ircs://irc.freenode.com/#d".parseURL;
auto url = URL("ircs://irc.freenode.com/#d");
Construct one from scratch, laboriously:
URL url;
with (url) {
scheme = "soap.beep";
host = "beep.example.net";
port = 1772;
path = "/serverinfo/info";
queryParams.add("token", "my-api-token");
Unicode domain names:
auto url = "http://☃.com/".parseURL;
writeln(url.toString); // http://xn--n3h.com/
writeln(url.toHumanReadableString); // http://☃.com/
Implicit conversion to strings for use with other libraries that expect URLs as strings:
import std.net.curl;
auto couchdbURL = "http://couch.local:8815".parseURL;
writeln(get(couchdbURL ~ "users/bob.dobbs@subgenius.org"));
Autodetect ports:
assert(parseURL("http://example.org").port == 80);
assert(parseURL("http://example.org:5326").port == 5326);
URLs of maximum complexity:
auto url = parseURL("redis://admin:password@redisbox.local:2201/path?query=value#fragment");
assert(url.scheme == "redis");
assert(url.user == "admin");
assert(url.pass == "password");
// etc
URLs of minimum complexity:
assert(parseURL("example.org").toString == "http://example.org/");
assert(parseURL("http://example.org:80").toString == "http://example.org/");
- 3.0.1 released 8 months ago
- dhasenan/urld
- Copyright © 2015, dhasenan
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- none
- Versions:
3.0.1 2024-Jul-23 3.0.0 2024-Jul-23 2.1.1 2018-Jul-22 2.1.0 2017-Jan-14 2.0.2 2017-Jan-12 - Download Stats:
30 downloads today
305 downloads this week
2374 downloads this month
305759 downloads total
- Score:
- 4.2
- Short URL:
- urld.dub.pm