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Total 2489 packages found.
Most popular
0.10.1Event driven web and concurrency framework
1.2.0-dev.2Better test runner for D
2.2.0Advanced multi-threaded unit testing framework with minimal to no boilerplate using built-in unittest blocks
1.39.0-beta.1Package manager for D packages
0.9.7A cross-platform event loop library of asynchronous objects.
Recently updated
0.0.10A simple nogc utility library for the D programming language.
1.3.0Small and fast range based SDLang parser/generator
0.2.0-alpha.1Manage local development odoo installations with ease
2.9.2The I/O core library of vibe.d.
0.9.34Pro-actor based abstraction layer over operating system asynchronous I/O facilities.
Newly added
1.0.0A Dlang Linear Algebra / Math Library
1.0.0Static D bindings for the Discord Game SDK
0.2.1Simple tool for managing Database migrations
5.5.0Raylib 5.0.1 bindings for D
0.0.2A collection of debugging and helper code