This is a mirror of
Name | Last update | Score | Registered | Description |
girtod | 0.23.2, 8 months ago | 1.4 | 2018-Oct-15 | A binding generator for libraries supporting gobject-introspection. |
git-switch-protocol | 0.0.4, 9 years ago | 0.5 | 2014-Sep-03 | A git helper for easily switching from ssh to https remotes and back. |
gitcompatibledubpackage | 1.0.4, 7 years ago | 3.9 | 2017-Feb-11 | Example of a DUB package also usable as git submodule. For DUB test suite. |
gitea-irc-bot | 0.5.0, 5 months ago | 0.1 | 2023-Mar-12 | A Gitea webhook-based IRC bot |
gitlab-test-package | 1.0.0, 7 years ago | 2.4 | 2017-Aug-25 | Just a package for testing GitLab integration |
gitlab-test-package-erny | 1.0.1, 5 years ago | 0.0 | 2019-Oct-21 | Just a package for testing GitLab integration |
gitver | 1.7.1, 2 months ago | 3.6 | 2021-Jun-06 | Generate version tags from git |
gl-with-types | 1.0.0-alpha.3, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Apr-16 | Wraps gl with a nice objects. |
gl3n | 1.4.1, 3 years ago | 2.7 | 2013-Apr-07 | OpenGL Maths for D (not glm for D but better). |
gladed | 0.0.3, 6 years ago | 1.6 | 2018-Jul-27 | A minimal D application. |
glamour | 1.0.1, 10 years ago | 2.4 | 2013-Sep-08 | Glamour is an OpenGL wrapper for the D programming language. |
glfw-d | 1.1.1, a year ago | 1.5 | 2020-Aug-20 | D translation of GLFW, a multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, window and input |
glfw3d | 2.1.0, 8 years ago | 0.7 | 2016-Aug-30 | GLFW3 wrapper for D programming language |
glib-d | 0.0.3, 5 years ago | 1.3 | 2015-Mar-17 | static bindings to GLib, including GObject |
glibd | 2.4.3, 8 months ago | 0.5 | 2018-Oct-15 | GlibD is the Digital Mars D programing language OO wrapper for Glib. |
gltf2loader | 0.1.1, 4 years ago | 0.1 | 2019-Jan-21 | A simple glTF2 loader in D. |
glue-d | 0.0.2, 4 years ago | 0.0 | 2020-Apr-02 | autoscanning + DI (with dejector fork) + ... |
glue-dejector | 0.3.1, 4 years ago | 0.3 | 2020-Apr-08 | Proof of concept D Dependency Injection Framework |
glui | 0.5.2, 2 years ago | 0.3 | 2021-Mar-13 | A simple UI library designed for IsodiTools and Samerion |
glustercli | 0.2.0, 4 months ago | 0.5 | 2019-Aug-26 | D language bindings for Gluster FS CLI |
glx-d | 1.1.0, 2 years ago | 1.8 | 2020-May-02 | GLX bindings for D Programming Language. |
gmp-d | 0.2.17, 2 years ago | 1.7 | 2017-Jan-23 | High-level wrapper for GNU MP (GMP) |
gnuplot-crafter | 0.2.1, 8 years ago | 0.3 | 2016-Sep-06 | A library that provides utilities to generate gnuplot data files. |
gnuplotd | 0.0.7, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-May-08 | A simplistic binding for gnuplot manipulation via pipes |
godot-d | 0.1.14, 3 years ago | 2.2 | 2018-Mar-17 | Godot game engine language bindings |
godot-dlang | 0.7.0, 4 months ago | 1.7 | 2022-Nov-06 | D bindings for godot |
gogga | 3.1.1, 6 months ago | 1.6 | 2020-Oct-29 | Plug-and-play colorful VT100 logging for your terminal |
goinsu | 0.2.1, 5 years ago | 0.0 | 2017-Sep-16 | Switch user, group and execute a program |
golem | 0.12.0, 2 years ago | 1.5 | 2020-Oct-06 | A simple tensor library for the computational graph on CPU |
gperftools_d | 0.1.0, 7 years ago | 1.0 | 2017-Mar-29 | D bindings for gperftools |
gpgerror-d | 1.17.0, 9 years ago | 0.0 | 2015-Nov-13 | D Programming Language binding for libgpg-error. |
gpgme-d | 1.6.0, 9 years ago | 0.0 | 2015-Nov-13 | D Programming Language binding for GPGME. |
grain | 0.1.1, 5 years ago | 2.0 | 2018-Jun-08 | autograd and dynamic neural networks library for D |
grape | ~master, 10 years ago | 0.9 | 2014-Apr-26 | Cross-Platform 3D Game Library for D |
graphite | 1.6.0, 9 years ago | 1.2 | 2014-Feb-01 | Matrix, Graphic, Twitter Library for D. |
graphqld | 5.1.6, 5 months ago | 3.9 | 2019-Feb-25 | A library to handle the GraphQL Protocol |
grimoire | 0.8.1, a year ago | 1.9 | 2018-Apr-25 | A fast, concurrent based scripting language for D |
groonga-d | 0.0.2-dev, 5 years ago | 1.6 | 2019-Oct-25 | D bindings for groonga. |
grpc | 0.5.0-beta.2, 2 years ago | 1.8 | 2019-Mar-11 | gRPC implementation for D programming language |
grpc-d-core | 0.0.3, a year ago | 0.0 | 2020-Jun-25 | gRPC Core Implementation for DLang |
grpc-d-interop | 0.0.2, a year ago | 0.4 | 2020-Jun-25 | A minimal layer to help interfacing between C and D for gRPC |
gsl | 0.1.8, 7 years ago | 0.7 | 2016-Aug-06 | D bindings for gsl |
gstring | 0.1.0, 10 months ago | 0.3 | 2023-Dec-26 | A basic library providing unicode-aware strings. |
gtk-d | 3.10.0, 3 years ago | 4.8 | 2013-Oct-05 | GtkD is the Digital Mars D programing language OO wrapper for Gtk+. |
gtk_d | 1.0.3, 2 years ago | 1.2 | 2021-Aug-29 | A full Gtk binding for D. |
gtkui | 0.5.0, 4 years ago | 0.9 | 2017-Oct-22 | Aux library for writing GTK-interface program |
guillotine | 0.2.2-alpha, 11 months ago | 0.2 | 2023-Jun-25 | Executor framework with future-based task submission and pluggable thread execution engines |
guino | 0.1.3, 12 months ago | 0.9 | 2023-Oct-15 | Create your GUI in D with webview |
gumbo-d | 0.2.2, 11 years ago | 1.0 | 2013-Aug-14 | D bindings for Google's Gumbo HTML5 parser library |
gustav | 0.2.3, 3 years ago | 0.6 | 2020-Oct-17 | GTK graphical DNET client |
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Displaying results 1021 to 1070 of 2493 packages found.