This is a mirror of

Name Last update Score Registered Description
dscord 1.0.0-beta.1, 5 years ago 2.12016-May-17discord client library
fast 0.3.5, 5 years ago 2.12013-Jul-01A library that aims to provide the fastest possible implementation of some every day routines.
dlang-tour 1.3.0, 12 months ago 2.12016-Jun-13The Dlang Tour
daemonize 0.2.1, 5 years ago 2.12014-Aug-26Library that simplifies creation of daemons for GNU/Linux and services for Windows.
dfix 0.3.5, 6 years ago 2.12014-Nov-21Tool for automatically upgrading D source code
dimgui 1.0.3, 5 years ago 2.12018-Nov-05dimgui is a D port of the imgui OpenGL GUI library
inui 1.2.1, a year ago 2.12023-May-01Inochi2D UI Library
async 0.2.11, 2 years ago 2.12018-May-06A cross-platform event loop library of asynchroneous network sockets.
tg-d 0.0.2, 6 years ago 2.12018-Aug-17Telegram Bot API client library for the D programming language
hunt-http 0.8.2, 2 years ago 2.12018-Jul-18Hunt-Http is a flexible performant http server and client. Support HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, WebSocket and…
vasaro 1.0.2, 6 years ago 2.12018-Dec-09Your printable vase creator.
jin-go 2.0.1, 4 years ago 2.12016-Mar-27Thread-pooled coroutines with lock-free staticaly typed communication channels
openmethods 1.3.4, 11 months ago 2.12017-Jul-18fast, open multi-methods for D
redub 1.8.2, 6 hours ago 2.12024-Jan-20Dub Based Build System, with parallelization per packages and easier to contribute
djinn 0.1.1, 3 years ago 2.12021-Apr-08A templating language and code generator inspired by Jinja2
fluent-logger 0.1.2, 9 years ago 2.12014-Aug-18A structured logger for Fluentd.
mustache-d 0.1.5, 4 years ago 2.12013-Mar-20Mustache template engine for D.
parserino 0.2.5, 9 months ago 2.12022-Oct-17Super-fast html5 parser
vibe-aws 0.1.6, 6 years ago 2.12018-Jan-05AWS client library for D
jwtd 0.4.6, 4 years ago 2.12015-Jul-03D implementation of JSON Web Token.
tfd 0.0.5, 4 years ago 2.12020-May-02TF for D
darg 0.1.0, 6 years ago 2.02016-Jan-10D command line argument parser.
bancho-irc 0.7.0-beta.1, 3 years ago 2.02018-Feb-17osu! IRC & multiplayer lobby management library using vibe.d
loopx 0.2.1, 3 years ago 2.02021-Apr-08Tool for automatically extending music loops.
dgraph 0.0.2, 9 years ago 2.02013-Oct-21A library for creating, analysing and manipulating graphs (networks). It aims to be fast and memo…
glx-d 1.1.0, 2 years ago 2.02020-May-02GLX bindings for D Programming Language.
ctpg 3.0.2, 9 years ago 2.02013-Sep-09Compile Time Parser Generator
dinu 1.0.2, 8 years ago 2.02015-Dec-26Launcher, file manager, one-way terminal, IDE
grain 0.1.1, 5 years ago 2.02018-Jun-08autograd and dynamic neural networks library for D
derelict-glfw3 4.0.0-beta.1, 7 years ago 2.02013-Aug-18A dynamic and static binding to the GLFW 3 library.
d_android 0.1.1, 4 years ago 2.02019-Dec-16Helper programs, instructions, and bindings for using D on Android
drepl 0.2.1, 6 years ago 2.02016-Jun-08A D interpreter.
asynchronous 0.6.8, 6 years ago 2.02015-Apr-25Asynchronous library for D
icontheme 1.2.3, 4 years ago 2.02015-Jun-06Icon Theme Specification implementation
armos 0.2.6, 7 years ago 2.02016-Jan-23Armos is a free and open source library for creative coding in D programming language.
gccjitd 0.1.0, 9 years ago 2.02015-Jan-21D bindings for
vibedist 0.0.2, 11 years ago 2.02012-Oct-24Load-balancer and virtual host manager for vibe.d
ocean 6.2.0, 3 years ago 2.02019-Dec-19Ocean is general purpose library with a focus on supporting the development of high-performance, r…
derelict-vulkan 0.0.20, 6 years ago 2.02016-Feb-16A dynamic binding to the vulkan api.
quantities 0.11.0, 4 years ago 2.02014-Jan-02A library to work with quantities and units
hipreme_engine 1.0.14, 7 months ago 2.02023-Dec-21Open-Source D Game Engine
avgtime 0.5.0, 10 years ago 2.02014-Nov-10Like unix 'time' command, but with repetitions, median, std deviation.
tardy 0.0.2, 4 years ago 2.02020-Jun-13Runtime polymorphism
vibemail 2.0.3, 6 years ago 2.02015-Sep-29Extensions for vibe's Mail class to send multi-part emails with attachments.
pry 0.7.0, a year ago 2.02016-Dec-14Pry - practical parser combinators library for D
buffer 0.2.41, 2 years ago 2.02017-Oct-17A protocol buffer & RPC library
digger 3.0.9, a year ago 2.02016-Sep-30A tool to build D and bisect old D versions
derelict-lua 2.0.0-beta.2, 7 years ago 1.92013-Dec-08A dynamic binding to the Lua scripting language library.
derelict-cuda 3.1.1, 7 years ago 1.92014-Oct-16A dynamic binding to the CUDA API.
derelict-enet 4.2.0, 4 years ago 1.92014-Jun-28A dynamic binding to the ENet library.
libusb-d 0.1.1, 9 years ago 1.92015-Feb-20D-Language bindings for LibUSB-1.0
reloaded 0.1.5, 5 years ago 1.92018-Sep-24Live Reloading D code with dynamic libraries
flatbuffers 0.1.1, 7 years ago 1.92016-Apr-14D implementation of Google Flatbuffers.
mir-runtime 0.0.26, 5 years ago 1.92018-Oct-20Dlang @nogc runtime infrastructure for simple, slim, and fast code.
cbor-d 0.5.5, 6 years ago 1.92014-Sep-20Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) for D lang
beep 0.0.2, 5 years ago 1.92018-Sep-11Advanced assertion library
uefi-d 0.0.4, 8 years ago 1.92016-Feb-07Bindings for UEFI API (Based on EDK2 2015)
serial-port 1.2.0, 7 years ago 1.92013-Sep-29Minimalistic serial port library. Exctracted from Tango library.
numir 2.0.6, 4 years ago 1.92017-Mar-04numpy-like API wrappers of mir
elf-d 0.2.5, 4 years ago 1.92014-Aug-02A library to introspect elf binaries
grimoire 0.8.1, a year ago 1.92018-Apr-25A fast, concurrent based scripting language for D
accessors 1.2.4, 6 years ago 1.92016-Dec-09D getter/setter generator
bindbc-wgpu 0.19.1, 4 months ago 1.92019-Oct-02D language binding to gfx-rs/wgpu
d-nanomsg 0.2.0, 8 years ago 1.92014-Dec-25Nanomsg - ZeroMQ successor - bindings/wrappers for the D Programming Language.
ctod 1.0.4, 11 months ago 1.92022-Oct-13C to D translator
re2d 0.1.0, 3 years ago 1.92021-Aug-05RE2 for D
consoled 1.0.4, 8 years ago 1.92015-Mar-17Because colors are awesome.
libhttp2 1.0.1, a year ago 1.92015-Mar-18An HTTP/2 implementation for D.
user-auth 0.0.1-preview.1, 9 years ago 1.92012-Nov-01Provides multi-service user authentication methods.
diet-complete 0.0.3, 5 years ago 1.92018-Sep-11Error correcting diet parser with integrated auto-completion and neat AST tools
sargon 1.0.2, 9 years ago 1.92014-Dec-14D components
pack-d 1.0.1, 8 years ago 1.92014-Mar-09Binary I/O helper
batch-engine 0.0.2, 10 years ago 1.92013-Dec-01An educational 2D Game Engine ECS based.
ddb 0.3.0, 7 years ago 1.92013-Dec-08Asynchronous Postgresql Binding
backtrace-d 0.1.2, 8 years ago 1.82013-Nov-07Provides a pretty backtrace for D applications running under Linux
grpc 0.5.0-beta.2, 2 years ago 1.82019-Mar-11gRPC implementation for D programming language
vibenotes 0.0.3, 10 years ago 1.82012-May-19Embeddable real-time collaborative text editor
htmld 0.3.7, 5 years ago 1.82015-Mar-31Lightweight and forgiving HTML parser
kafka-d 0.0.5, 6 years ago 1.82016-Apr-09Native driver for Apache Kafka
dstruct 0.2.2, 9 years ago 1.82015-Mar-29D Data Structures
bolts 1.8.1, 4 years ago 1.82018-Feb-22Utility library for meta programming
hprose-d 1.2.3, 8 years ago 1.82015-Feb-08Hprose for D.
gendoc 0.0.8, 2 years ago 1.82019-Aug-17Document generator using Ddoc D language standard feature for dub package.
orange 2.1.0, 4 years ago 1.82016-Jul-15Orange is a serialization library for the D programming language
dini 2.0.0, 8 years ago 1.82014-Nov-15INI-like format parser written in D.
libpng 1.6.17, 5 years ago 1.82013-Oct-29D bindings to libpng.
fio 0.0.9, 6 years ago 1.82018-Nov-14IO streams implemented from the ground up.
nanogui 1.4.1, 22 days ago 1.82018-Apr-21Port of nanogui to dlang.
embaked 0.1.8, 6 years ago 1.82015-Apr-09HTML baking library
d_hdf5 0.3.0, 9 years ago 1.82014-Dec-26HDF5 bindings and wrappers for the D Programming Language.
twitter4d 0.0.72, 5 years ago 1.82014-May-05The Simple Twitter API Wrapper Library For D Programming Language.
termbox 0.0.5, 8 years ago 1.82016-Mar-05A port of the TUI library TermBox
skadi-d 0.0.3, 9 years ago 1.82015-Sep-03Skadi.d MVC Web Framework D language.
libgit2 0.25.2, 4 years ago 1.82014-Feb-08D bindings for libgit2
entitysysd 2.6.2, 7 years ago 1.82015-Jul-17Entity/Component System engine
ffmpeg-d 4.4.1, a year ago 1.82014-Dec-09FFmpeg Bindings
dlang_koans 0.0.17, 4 years ago 1.82014-Dec-07A series of exercises to learn D Programming Language
microrm 0.8.1, 3 years ago 1.82017-Jun-14Micro ORM for SQLite3
fluid 0.7.0-alpha.2, 3 months ago 1.82024-Jan-17A straightforward and easy to use GUI library.
kxml 1.1.1, 2 months ago 1.82013-Nov-20A D1/D2/Tango/Phobos/Phobos2 compatible XML parsing and generation library

Displaying results 301 to 400 of 2480 packages found.