liblfdsd 0.3.4
liblfds for D, from the portable, license-free, lock-free data structure C library (
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
liblfds for D, from the portable, license-free, lock-free data structure C library (
- Right now, only the following data structure are wrapped:
##### download from
After install all the deps:
$ make build
$ make test
$ ./liblfdsd
# bmm queue
string: Madge The Skutter; after push & before pop
string: Madge The Skutter; after push & before pop
skutter name = struct: Madge The Skutter; after push & before pop 8
skutter name = class: Madge The Skutter; after push & before pop 8
received 100000000 messages in 4632 msec sum=4999999950000000 speed=21588 msg/msec
received 100000000 messages in 4868 msec sum=4999999950000000 speed=20542 msg/msec
# bss queue
received 100000000 messages in 2610 msec sum=4999999950000000 speed=38314 msg/msec
# queue umm
received 100000000 messages in 14994 msec sum=4999999950000000 speed=6669 msg/msec
Please check the comparison
directory for a simple performance comparison with some other D queues.
Design: user MUST read this to use this wrapper library!
To use this libary, you have to know how the orginal C library works
Please read the C-doc before using this D wrapper lib:
on __x86_64__ machines
typedef int long long unsigned lfds711_pal_uint_t;
" To make those initial values valid (which is to say, visible) upon other logical cores, threads on those cores need to issue the define LFDS711MISCMAKEVALIDONCURRENTLOGICALCOREINITSCOMPLETEDBEFORENOWONANYOTHERLOGICALCORE, which does that which it says; any init calls, which have completed (i.e. returned) on any other logical cores will now be valid (visible) on this logical core. "
It’s ugly macro of that C lib need to be called, but need to live with it.
And even laughable this:
" The LFDS711QUEUEBMMQUERYGETPOTENTIALLYINACCURATE_COUNT query is not guaranteed to be accurate. Where enqueue and dequeue operations are not guaranteed to be visible by the time the function calls return, similarly, it may be that a count will during its operation not see an element which has been enqueued, or see that an element has been dequeued. In general however it should be bang on; it's just it's not guaranteed. "
Yet, this library is the best time tested open source library on the internet. I have no interest to re-invent the wheels, or make the wrapper universal.
Because it’s much better than the ~4x times slower fewly-used D queues I have found.
Memory management: remember this is a thin wrapper lib in D
Let C's be C's, and let D's be D's, i.e.
- C manage C's memory (the container), and
- D manage D's memory (the objects)
The only thing interfacing between C and D is the simple uintptr_t (void) as value*, so to use this D library:
- all primitive types (whose .sizeof upto pointer size on the target machine) | class (pointer)'s value are stored as value of uintptr_t
- everything else, i.e. all (fat) objects' address are stored as value of uintptr_t
The only extra requirement on the D side is to keep reference to those fat objects to avoid it being GC-ed before being pop-ed.
(Just as: don't push a stack var into any-type-of queue, and pop it after the stack is gone -- this is the responsibility of the programmer, not the container.)
That's all.
And please remember to keep a reference on the D side of the fat objects you put in the container:
queue.push(new Object); // receiver may get garbage reference
queue.push(FatStruct()); // temporary is gone after push()
queue.push(createStuff!options()); // createStuff is somewhere inside 20kLOC in another module
Instead, rewrite them as:
dSideRefHolder_toPreventGC_BeforePoped_Var = dSideWhateverStuff();
Another way is manually (without GC) allocate the object, so GC will not scan them (and their fields) for collection.
Known issue:
the queueumm.h will leak one lfds711queueummelement upon queueummdestroy() call.
queueumm is ~6x slower than queuebss, ~4x slower than queuebmm; because each push cause one lfds711queueummelement aligned_alloc
- 0.3.4 released 3 years ago
- mw66/liblfdsd
- BSL-1.0 license
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- dpp
- Versions:
0.3.4 2022-Jun-05 0.3.3 2022-Jun-04 0.3.2 2022-Jun-03 0.3.1 2022-Jun-02 0.3.0 2022-Jun-02 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
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28 downloads total
- Score:
- 0.7
- Short URL: